

Homework. Lesson 4.5. Listening

1) What is conversation about?

It was conversation between Mr.Zeldenhuis (he is employee) and his employer Mr. Benny McClenahan. The call was taken by office manager Ms. Anna. She put them through Mr. Benny McClenahan. The interlocutors were talking about weather in cities that they were locate and about shipping on a river.

2) What expressions did the interlocutors use when they didn’t understand/hear something?

Sorry, I didn’t quite catch your name. Mr. …

Sorry, I missed that. Could you say that again?

Sorry, what did you just say?

Sorry, who did you say?

3) Write down these expressions from the dialog:

- У нас назначена конференция с …

We have a conference schedule with Mr. Benny McClenahan.

- Не могли бы вы перевести нас?

Could you put us through?

Put them right through

- Не могли бы вы подождать, пожалуйста?

Can you hold please?

- Влияет ли погода на перевозку груза?

Is the weather affecting shipping on a river?

Is ice slowing down shipping on the river any?

- Как вы там справляетесь?

How have you (two) been holding up (doing)?

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