Ganke said the app's blowing up.

City definitely needs.

[definitely/ˈdef.ən.ət.li/:without any doubt:(毫無疑問)]

a Spider Man. Should patrol for a while.(應該要巡邏一會兒。)

[patrol/pəˈtroʊl/:to go around an area or a building to see if there is any trouble or danger(圍繞某個區域或建築物看是否有任何麻煩或危險.巡邏)]

Looks like Teo's bodega was robbed.

Hope I can help.

Man? Where you hiding? Hey, I'm...

What? Not you. My cat.

Named after the real Spider Man.

Bunch'a jerks broke in here and robbed my place.(一群混蛋闖入這裡搶走了我的位置。)

[Bunch/bʌntʃ/:a number of things of the same type fastened together or in a close group(多個相同類型的東西固定在一起或緊密地結合在一起)]

[jerk:1、a quick sudden movement(短暫急促的動作.抽搐)2、a foolish, annoying person(自私、跋扈、魯莽、自我為中心的大爛人)]

Think they took Spider Man, too.

That's awful.

You see where they went?

Overheard 'em say they're hitting the power substation.(聽到他們說他們正在襲擊變電站。)

[substation/ˌsʌbˈsteɪ.ʃən/:a place that allows electricity to go from one part of the electricity production system to another(一個允許電力從電力生產系統的一部分流向另一部分的地方.變電站)]

Couple blocks over.

I'll find them. And you your cat.(我會找到他們的。 和你的貓。)

Guess it can't hurt.

Should probable call Ganke when I get there.

Spider Man?

Please be here.

Why would these dudes go to power station?

There's my way in.

Ganke, I need help.

Some dudes robbed Teo's badega, then head to the closet power station.


You've got my full attention, watching through your Livestream.(你燃起我的興趣,現在正觀看了你的直播。)

They're shooting transformers?(他們在射擊變壓器?)

Pft. Wasn't looking for orders, macho man.(嘿!大塊子,管好你的順序)

[Pft=Yeah right]

[macho/ˈmɑː.tʃoʊ/:masculine in an overly assertive or aggressive way.(過於自信或好鬥的男性.男子氣的硬漢) ]

You sure it'll knock out the whole block?(您確定它可以打亂這一區?)

Reasonably sure.(合理確定)

Hey, If we knock out more than one, it'll take the cops longer to catch on.(嘿,如果我們淘汰多於一名,警察將需要更長的時間才能趕上。)

Never been part of a plan like this.(從來沒有參與過這樣的計劃。)

One big score and I'm Outta here...(得分很高,我不在這裡)

Was that a rat?

This place stinks.


[Literally/ˈlɪt̬.ɚ.əl.i/:used to emphasize what you are saying:(強調你在說什麼)]

Hate just waiting around.(討厭只是在等。)

Being out in the open makes me nervous.

[out in the open:1、Exposed and visible to others in an open space or area.(在開放空間或區域中對他人可見並可見)2、By extension, available for public viewing, participation, or experience.(通過擴展,可供公眾查看,參與或體驗)]

Wish it was always this easy.(希望這總是那麼容易。)

This station's output is down to 64%. Maybe you can find a backup.(該站的輸出下降到64%。 也許您可以找到一個備份。)

Good thinking on the backup systems.(備份系統上的思想很好。)

You'r good at this hero stuff.(你是個擅長英雄的腳色。)

Heh, nah.I'm just a spectator.(嘿,不,我只是一個觀眾。)

[spectator/spekˈteɪ.t̬ɚ/:a person who watches an activity, esp. a public event, without taking part(觀看活動的人,尤其是 公開活動,但不參加.觀眾)]

Just need to find Teo's cat...

Spider Man.


Spider Man went down that elevator shaft.

[shaft/ʃæft/:a long, either vertical or sloping, passage through a building or through the ground:(穿過建築物或地面的長的,垂直的或傾斜的通道.通道)]

Got it. I'm coming for you, spider Man. 

Hang tight.(得到它了。 蜘蛛俠,我來找你。等一下)

Spider Man Wait!

I think I know what these dudes want. There's a bank on this block.(我想我知道這些傢伙想要什麼。 這個街區有一家銀行。)

No power means no security.

So if we fix the power, we're preventing a bank heist?(因此,如果我們修好電力,就可以防止銀行搶劫嗎?)

[heist/haɪst/:a crime in which valuable things are taken illegally and often violently from a place or person(一種犯罪行為,其中經常從某個地方或個人那里以非法手段經常以暴力手段奪走有價值的東西.搶劫)]

Stopping crime before it begins.

In a world where only two men can see the future, only they can stop it.(在一個只有兩個人可以看到未來的世界中,只有他們可以阻止未來。)

Alright, gotta focus.

Spider Man's here stay alert!

Sounds like someone's paying them. Any idea?

So output's at zero.

I got that.

Pulling up emergency lights.

Okay, you can restore power if you charge the other backups.(好的,如果您為其他備份充電,則可以恢復電源。)

Man, how many people does it take to bust a power station?

[bust/bʌst/:to break something(破壞)]

Just a rat or a pigeon or something.

[pigeon/ˈpɪdʒ.ən/:a large, usually grey bird that is often seen in towns sitting on buildings in large groups, and is sometimes eaten as food(大型的通常是灰色的鳥,通常在成群坐在建築物上的城鎮中看到,有時作為食物食用.鴿子)]

I beat up scrawny punks like you every day!

[scrawny/ˈskrɑː.ni/:unpleasantly thin, often with bones showing:(令人討厭的薄,經常有骨頭顯示.骨瘦如柴)]

[punks/pʌŋk/:to trick or make fun of someone(欺騙或取笑某人)]

Seriously, who planned the bank robbery?

Time to teach you a lesson!

Need to find the backup systems.

Gotta push ahead.

Find the main generator and hop I can fix it.

These guys keep talking about their boss. Any idea who it is?

Dude, a lot of people want to rob banks.(兄弟,很多人都想搶銀行。)

It was worth a try.(值得一試。)

There's the main breaker.

Gotta clear out these guys then figure out how to fix it.(要清除這些傢伙,然後找出解決方法。)

Man, I really gotta take a leak.(伙計,我真的得找出漏洞。)

Stay sharp, boys! Someone's trying to undo our good work!(保持敏銳,各位! 有人試圖破壞我們的好工作!)

'Course there is.

The boss, he's got too many enemies.(老闆,他敵人太多了。)

Yeah, but he beats them every time.(是的,但他每次都擊敗他們。)

Not all of 'em. There's SpiderMan.

They look so peaceful knocked out.

This beats lockup, that's for sure.

Sounds like whoever planned the heist knows Spider Man, and not in a good way.(聽起來像是計劃搶劫案的人都知道蜘蛛俠,但不是很好。)

Has to be the other one. I don't have that many enemies.(必須是另一個。 我沒有那麼多敵人。)


Hate havein' downtime.(討厭有無事可做的時間。)

[downtime:time when a business does not operate, for example when machines break down or there is no work to do(業務無法運行的時間,例如機器故障或無事可做的時間)]

Great optimism, bro.(非常樂觀,兄弟)

[optimism/ˈɑːp.tə.mɪ.zəm/:the feeling that good things are more likely to happen than bad things(感覺好事比壞事更有可能發生.樂觀)]

Hate havein' downtime can't stop thinking about all my bad life choices(不能停止思考我所有糟糕的生活選擇)

City's a trash heap.(城市是一個垃圾堆。)

Why would you jump to that?(你為什麼要跳到那?)

'Cause the boss hates him and Ithink Spider Man hates him right back.

I'm missing three hats and a cot(我缺少三頂帽子和一張我缺少三頂帽子和一張)

New Spider Man really got zappy fingers?(新蜘蛛俠的手指真的很有精神嗎?)


The heck was that?

[heck/hek/:an expression of usually slight anger or surprise, or a way of adding force to a statement, question, (通常表現為輕微的憤怒或驚訝,或為陳述,問題等添加力量的方式)]

Stomach's grumbling shoulda packed a sandwich.(肚子在轟轟響時,應該把一個三明治塞進去。)

[grumble/ˈɡrʌm.bəl/:If your stomach grumbles, it makes a low, continuous noise, usually because you are hungry.(如果您的肚子發牢騷,通常會因為飢餓而發出低而連續的聲音。)]

Time to check the breaker.

No good. Board's not powered.

Need a generator

<Find a way to power the main breaker.>

Generator's on, but I don't think it's hooked up.

[hook up/ˈhʊkˌʌp/:a connection to an electricity supply, a telephone network, the internet.(與電源,電話網絡,互聯網等的連接)]

Connection's solid.

Let there be-

What the hell was that noise?

Here kitty it's okay.


You can't have him!

Don't you know it's rude to interrupt THE BONDING PROCESS?(您不知道打斷“THE BONDING PROCESS”是不禮貌的嗎)

Mind your own business you little brat!(管好你自己的事,小鬼!)

[brat /bræt/:a child who behaves badly or one you do not like(表現不佳或您不喜歡的孩子.小鬼)]

Tell me who planned the bank robbery, give me the cat, and I'll let you go.Deal?(告訴我誰計劃了銀行搶劫案,把貓給我,我就放開你。交易嗎?)

No deal! Don't let him leave here!

Seriously guys, give up your boss. I'll figure it out eventually.(認真的傢伙,放棄你的老闆。我最終會弄清楚的。)

Ha! You think we're scared of you? He's ten times worse.(哈! 你以為我們怕你嗎? 他比你壞十倍。)

Picked a bad day to mess with us!(選擇了糟糕的一天來惹我們!)

What do you mean your boss is worse?(甚麼叫你的老闆更壞) 

I'm mopping the floor with you!(我正在和你擦地板!)

You don't kill people. Boss does.

You're mine!

That's it, glove are off!

[glove off: The gloves come off. 這句話的用語是源自於boxing (拳擊比賽),通常拳擊手會戴手套,所以打對手時不至於打傷太嚴重,當手套脫下來後,就表示開始要讓對方死得很難看。這就表示開始"嚴重的爭吵"或是"激烈開戰"。

The gloves come off! = Take the gloves off!]

Let's get outta here, Spider Man.

Hey man!

Power restored, bank heist stopped, Spider Man the Cat saved.

All in a day's great work.

I'm posting in the FNSM app about these guys and their boss maybe we can get leads on who we're dealing with.

[FNSM=Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man]

Call ya soon.

Hey teo, got a surprise for you.

Yeah, what's that?

Did you have an adventure?(你有冒險嗎?)

You almost gave daddy a heart attack!

Oh yes you did !

Good work other Spider Man!

Hey man. any leads on who our cat thieves were working for?(關於"我們的貓"這任務,有盜賊為誰工作的線索嗎?)

I'm chasing down a couple prople problems that might be connected robberies on Harlem's commercial strip, and something going down at F.E.A.S.T.North.(我正在追逐可能引發的問題,這些問題可能與哈林商業街上的搶劫案有關,以及北向F.E.A.S.T.)

[strip/strɪp/:a row of stores and small businesses built together along the side of a main road(沿主要道路的一側建起的一排商店和小型企業)]

I'll post in the app when I know more.

Cool. Thanks dude!

<You have Suits or Mods available for purchase. Open the Pause Menu and go the Suits Page to purchase them.(您可以購買套裝或Mod。 打開“暫停”菜單,進入“西裝頁面”以購買它們)>

<On scan, marks enemies through walls and keeps them marked as long as stealth mode remains active.(掃描時,只要隱身模式保持活動狀態,就可以在牆上標記敵人並保持標記。)>

Miles, we still meeting today?

Never got a text back from you.

Oh- Sorry.

Been wrapped up in my own stuff.(我被自己的東西纏住。)

But I'm free now - where?

Sweet.78th and west End.

78th... by the Science Center?

Why there?

You'll see -don't be late.

I guess I'll find out what she means. Better hustle ever.(我想我會明白她的意思。 前所未有的忙碌。)

Hola, m'hijo. (你好,我的兒子)I wanted to tell you: my favorite food truck will be at the rally tonight.(我想告訴你:我最喜歡的食品卡車將在今晚的競選活動上。)

Look out for a logo with a giant gyroscope.(使用定位尋找位置)

[gyroscope/ˈdʒaɪ.rə.skoʊp/:a device containing a wheel that spins freely within a frame, used on aircraft and ships to help keep them horizontal, and as a children's toy(一種裝有可在框架內自由旋轉的輪子的設備,用於飛機和輪船以幫助保持水平,並用作兒童玩具)]

Okay, thanks for the tip.(好的,謝謝你的提示。)

Oh, Mom, I wanted to ask since you know everything going on in Harlem. 

Have you heard of the Underground?

AH. they've been vandalizing Toxxon propert.

[vandalize/ˈvæn.dəl.aɪz/:to intentionally damage property belonging to other people(有意破壞屬於他人的財產.破壞)]

[property/ˈprɑː.pɚ.t̬i/:the legal right to own and use something(擁有和使用某些東西的合法權利.財產)]

And I think they've been recruiting kids around the neiberhood.

[recruiting/rɪˈkruːtɪŋ/:the process of employing new people to work for a company or organization(僱用新人為公司或組織工作的過程.招募)]

They didn't try to get you involved in their mess, did they?(他們沒有試圖讓您捲入混亂之中,對嗎?)

[involved /ɪnˈvɑːlvd/:not simple and therefore difficult to understand(不簡單,因此難以理解)]

No! Uncle Aaron told me amout 'em.(沒有! 亞倫叔叔對我說。)

I ran into him at the subway stop by our house.

Did you know he's working there?

No.You know I don't want you around him.

But you and Dad never told me why I wasn't allowed to see him anymore.(但是你和爸爸從未告訴過我為什麼不允許我再見他。)

He used to come by our place all the time.(他曾經無時無刻不在我們這裡。)

That's for Aaron to explain. Give me one second!(那是亞倫的解釋。 給我一秒鐘!)

Sorry honey, we're still setting up. 

It's all good.

Go save the world Mom, one vote at a time.

Have I ever told you you're my favorite son?


You'll pay for that!(您將為此付費!)

Nowhere to run, Spider Man!(無處可逃,蜘蛛俠!)

No one's gonna lock me up again.(沒有人會再次把我關起來。)

Got a case of property destruction in progress!(正在進行財產破壞案!)

[progress/ˈprɑː.ɡres/:to continue gradually(逐步進行)]

Man this ain't worth it - I'm out!(這不值得-我走了!)

Get away from the vehicle!

You gonna do some thing, spider Punk?

I'm not letting you get away!

Just... keep...

Hope there aren't many more escaped convicts on the streets.(希望街上沒有更多逃脫的罪犯。)

[convicts/kənˈvɪkt/:to decide officially in a law court that someone is guilty of a crime(在法庭上正式裁定某人犯了罪)]

Howdy Miles. This challenge tests your "Point Launch" skills.(你好英里。 此挑戰測試您的"Point Launch"技能。)


Hit all the checkpoints before time runs out.

Approach the prompt to begin.

[prompt/prɑːmpt/:to help someone, especially an actor, to remember what they were going to say or do(幫助某人,尤其是演員,記住他們要說或做的事情.提示)]

Oh I'm ready for this. Let's boogie.

[boogie/ˈbuː.ɡi/:1、to dance to pop music.2、snot ball(1、跳流行音樂.2、鼻涕球)]

How about some point lauch practice?

That's it! The point launch is an essential Spider Skill.

[essential/ɪˈsen.ʃəl/:necessary or needed(必要的、不可少的)]

When you gotta motor, web-swinging'll get you ther but point lauching'll get you there now.(當您有動力時,隨心所欲地搖擺將使您到達那裡,但是"point lauching"將使您到達那裡。)

Starting to work up a sweat.

Keep going- you're almost there!

Did that feel like a spectacular run to you, because it looked Spectacular to me!(這對您來說感覺像是一場壯觀的比賽,因為它對我來說真是壯觀!)

[spectacular/spekˈtæk.jə.lɚ/:a large, exciting event, show, or performance:(大型,激動人心的事件,表演或表演)]

Hit a point launch just right, and you'll accelerate like crazy.

[accelerate/əkˈsel.ɚ.eɪt/:When a vehicle or its driver accelerates, the speed of the vehicle increases(當車輛或其駕駛員加速時,車輛的速度會增加)]

<When zipping to a point to massively boost Point Launch distance.>(壓縮到某個點時,可以大大提高“點發射”的距離。)

[zip:to reduce the size of a computer file so that it uses less space, and can be more easily sent or stored(減小計算機文件的大小,以便使用更少的空間,並可以更輕鬆地發送或存儲它.壓縮)]

[boost/buːst/:to lift someone or something by pushing from below:(通過從下面推動來舉起某人或某物)]

[massively/ˈmæs.ɪv.li/:extremely or very much:(非常)]

Super helpful when chasing especially speedy pigeons.(追逐特別快的鴿子時超級有幫助。)

[pigeon/ˈpɪdʒ.ən/:a large, usually grey bird that is often seen in towns sitting on buildings in large groups, and is sometimes eaten as food(大型的通常是灰色的鳥,通常在成群坐在建築物上的城鎮中看到,有時作為食物食用.鴿子)]

Not that I would know anything about that, of course.(當然,那並不是我對此一無所知。)

Oh man, was that for Howard?(天哪,那是給霍華德的嗎?)

I've heard about his pigeons.

Keep up the great work, and I'll see you at the next challenge.(繼續努力,我們將在下一個挑戰中與您見面。)

I'll call for help. Someone'll stop you!(我會尋求幫助。 有人會阻止你!)

Seriously, You can't rob donation stands, especially during the holidays.(嚴重的是,您不能搶劫捐贈攤位,尤其是在假期期間。)

Want me to shut him up.


I can see the headlines: "Spider Man, present protector."

Or something less corny.(我可以看到頭條新聞:“蜘蛛俠,現在的保護者。”或更不老套的東西)

[corny/ˈkɔːr.ni/:showing no new ideas or too often repeated, and therefore not funny or interesting.(沒有新想法或經常重複出現,因此並不有趣或有趣.陳腐的,老套的;平淡的,乏味的)]

Most important thing is you're OK.

Hay, Danikast fans. You ever hear a story that you just can't get out of your head?(您曾經聽過一個無法擺脫的故事嗎?)

May be it's a scene from a movie, a headline you read on the back of someone else's newspaper, or your friend's play-by-play of a no-good, very bad date.(可能是電影中的場景,在別人的報紙背面看過的頭條新聞,或是朋友在一個不好的,非常糟糕的約會中扮演的角色。)

Hey molasses up here.

[molasses/məˈlæs.ɪz/:a thick, dark brown liquid that is produced during the process of making sugar, used in cooking.(在製糖過程中產生的一種濃稠的深棕色液體,用於烹飪.糖漿)]

Fire escape's shakier than it used to be.(逃生通道比以前更不穩定。)

Careful on the way up.

So this is why you wanted to meet here.(這就是為什麼你想在這裡見面。)

Almost bailed, you took so long.(保釋,你花了這麼長時間。)

Give me a hand, It's stuck.

[stuck/stʌk/:unable to move, or set in a particular position, place, or way of thinking(無法移動,或無法固定在特定的位置,位置或思維方式.動不了的;固定的;卡住的;(想法)擺脫不了的)]

Time capsule's seen better days.

[capsule/ˈkæp.səl/:a small container with medicine inside that you swallow(一個小容器,裡面放著藥.膠囊)]

You remember the combination?(你還記得組合嗎?)

Yeah it's uh...

You kidding me? Y'all gotta start rememvering this code.(你在開玩笑? 你們都必須開始記住此代碼。)

Not always gonna be around to tell you.(並非總是會告訴你。)

We'll remember.We'll remember.

"We'll remember.",Yeah, Good.


Now, uh, what're you gonna put inside this bad boy?(現在,呃,你打算把這個壞男孩放進去嗎?)

Secret time capsule. Only Miles and I know.(秘密時間膠囊。 只有邁爾斯,我知道。)

Boom! That's right. Keep it secret, Keep it safe.

Hey Rick, you gonna take that job at Roxxon, or what?(你打算在Roxxon擔任那份工作,還是什麼?)

Why, you gonna take it if I don't?(為什麼,如果我不接受,你會接受嗎?)

Maybe waiting to see the offer.(也許正在等待看報價。)

OK... competition, eh?

Well, they're talking a good game.

Want me to lead their clean energy group. And you know me-(要我領導他們的清潔能源小組。 你知道我)

Clean power'll save the world!

I love my nerdy fan club. Oh, speaking of the devil, Roxxon. Back in a sec.(我愛書呆子粉絲俱樂部。)

You remember the code, right?

The Fibonacci sequence.

[Fibonacci/fɪb.əˈnɑː.tʃi /:斐波那契]

[sequence /ˈsiː.kwəns/:a series of related things or events, or the order in which they follow each other(一系列相關的事物或事件,或它們彼此遵循的順序.一連串;一系列;順序,次序)]


Our award!

I mean, our energy converter was pretty fire.(我的意思是,我們的能量轉換器非常爆紅)


You think it's still on display at the Science Center?

Hope so.


Look at us.

Goober central.

[Goober/ˈgü-bər /:a naive, ignorant, or foolish person.(天真,無知或愚蠢的人)]

Rick looking suave as ever, though.(Rick一如往常的文謅謅)

[suave/swɑːv/:A suave man is very polite, pleasant, and usually attractive, often in a way that is slightly false.(人非常有禮貌,令人愉悅,並且通常很誘人,通常以一種略微錯誤的方式.文縐縐的男子)]

Something going on with him? You guys fight or something?(他發生了什麼事? 你們打架還是什麼?)

No. no fight. It' fine.

Phin...why did we really lose touch?(為什麼我們真的失去聯繫?)

Crap. Now I'm late.

I gotta go.

I feel like we both have stuff we're not sharing.(我覺得我們倆都有東西但不分享。)

Next time we hang... no secret, OK?


If you're on time.

See you soon, short stuff.

[short stuff:the slang term used to identify a person of below average height. ridicule of their height.(用來識別低於平均身高的人的語。 嘲笑他們的身高。)]

You know I'm taller than you now, right?

Not in here.

Middle school graduation was bittersweet.(中學畢業是苦樂參半。)

Phin went to Midtown High, but I got 

into Brooklyn Visions.

Said we'd stay in tough but high school's live a whole new world.

Man, it was so good to see Phin.

I should find the other time capsules we hid. But a little later.(我應該找到我們隱藏的其他時間膠囊。 但是過了一會兒。)

I gotta get home for Mom's rally.

[rally/ˈræl.i/:a public meeting of a large group of people, especially supporters of a particular opinion(一大群人的公開會議,特別是有特定見解的支持者.集會活動)]

Good time to use this unlimited ride pass.

Fast Tavel locations are now marked on the map. Miles' Apartment or a Subway Entrance to Fast Travel.

Phone, check. Subway card, check.

You got the house key?

Yeah, I got it.

Come on.

We're gonna be late!

Hey! dude, I'm so filling your suit with snow.(伙計,我要讓你的西裝裝滿雪)

Are you still wearing your suit?

Yeah, you know, just in case.

It's gonna be fine.

See, this is my favorite part of living in Harlem.

Pop-up street fair, best food in the city, awesome music.

Yeah, this is pretty cool.

It's still hard to think of Mom as a politician.(仍然很難將媽媽視為政治人物。)

She's been a teacher my whole life.(她一生都是我的老師。)

What do you think about Rio Morales? Gonna vote for her?(您如何看待Rio Morales?要投票給她嗎?)

If I get to the polls at all.

[poll/poʊl/:a study in which people are asked for their opinions about a subject or person(要求人們對某個主題或個人發表意見的研究.民意測驗,民意調查)]

I'm kinda fed up with the whole process.(我對整個民主過程有點失望。)

[fed up/ˌfed ˈʌp/:bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you have experienced for too long(無聊,煩惱或失望,尤其是您經歷了太久的事情.厭倦的;厭煩的;失望的)]

[fed up to the back teeth:very fed up(厭倦極了;煩透了;失望透頂)]

No way to change it if you don't vote.(如果您不投票,就無法更改它。)

Corralling people, educating them, making sure they don't throw things at each other...(團結人們,教育他們,確保他們不會互相扔東西...)

[corral/kəˈræl/:to bring a group of people together and keep them in one place, especially in order to control them(將一群人聚集在一起並將他們放在一個地方,尤其是為了控制他們;把(一群人)集中起來(尤指控制起來))]

Do you guys take spider plushies?(你們會收蜘蛛毛絨玩具嗎?)

[plushie/ˈplʌʃ.i/:a toy made from cloth and filled with a soft material so that it is pleasant to hold, often in the form of an animal(用布製成並填充有柔軟材料的玩具,因此通常以動物的形式握起來很舒適)]

Oh yeah, they're really popular with the kids.

If you've got a gently-used one, we'd be happy to take it.(如果您有乾淨的玩具,我們很樂意接受。)

[gently-used/ˈdʒent.li/:have been washed and possibly worn, but appear new and have no signs of wear and no flaws.(已洗過並可能已磨損,但看上去很新,沒有磨損跡象,也沒有瑕疵。)]

Cool, I'll see what I can do.

Man, this'd be great for the last beat I was working on.(伙計,這對我正在努力的最後一拍來說很棒。)

I should get back into mixing.

Yeah, it's been a while.

That looks really cool.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I should take ASL with you next semester. I've basically already masteres espanol.(下學期我應該帶ASL。 我已經基本掌握了西班牙文。)

[ASL:American Sign Language.(美國手語)]

[semester/səˈmes.tɚ/:one of the periods into which a year is divided at a college or university, especially in the US and Australia((尤指美國和澳大利亞大學的)學期)]

[español/ es-pah-nyawl/:the Spanish language(西班牙語)]

Oh yeah? Since when?

Could you walk me through it?

Honey, you're worrying too much. We've done all we could.(親愛的,你太擔心了。 我們已經盡力了。)

That'll be eleven forty-three.

Gloria, hey!

Hi, Miles.

This is my girlfriend, Steff. She just started voluteering at F.E.A.S.T.

Good to meet you. I'm sure we'll run into each other at the shelter.(很高興認識你。 我相信我們會在避難所碰面的。)

Speaking of...(說起...)

No shifts for you until after winter break. If we're open by then.(如果我們屆時開放,直到寒假過後,您再也不會遇到任何變化。)

What do you mean?

Ah, don't worry about it. Enjoy your mom's speech; I'll call you after break.(啊,不用擔心。 享受你媽媽的演講; 休息後我給你打電話。)

Sweet kid.

You wanna head down to the rally?

Krieger talks a good game, but I don't know.(克里格的比賽很好,但我不知道...)

Yeah, Roxxon got too big too fast for me to think they're totally on the level.(是的,Roxxon太大了,太快了,以至於我覺得他們完全在水平上。)

They were, until Rio Morales started campaigning against it.(Rio Morales開始反對它之前,他們都是。)

Good luck, Ms. Morales.

Look. Roxxon's really into the "constant vigilance" thing, huh?

[vigilance/ˈvɪdʒ.əl.əns/:more careful attention, especially in order to notice possible danger(尤其要注意可能的危險,請多加註意.警覺;警戒;警惕)]

For real

Good evening, neighbors.

Do you remember what we lost , when Roxxon bulldozed this block?

[bulldozed/ˈbʊl.doʊz/:1、to destroy buildings and make an area flat with a bulldozer(摧毀建築物並使推土機平整。)2、to force someone to do something, although they might not want to(強迫某人做某事,儘管他們可能不想.強迫)]

Hey, you OK?

Yeah. It's just, last time we did one of these, My dad...(是的 只是,上次我們做過其中之一,我的父親...)

That was paulo's Creamery, home of the best hand-rolled ice cream in New York City.

[Creamery/ˈkriːm(ə)ri/:a factory that produces butter and cheese.(一家生產黃油和奶酪的工廠。)]

And Junipero's Daycare,St. Therese's Church, whose choir...(還有聖尼佩羅的日托 特蕾西教堂,他的合唱團...)

Your mom's got people looking out for her.

[look out:1、to watch what is happening and be careful(說或喊是為了告訴某人他們處於危險中.小心,當心)2、to watch what is happening and be careful.(觀察正在發生的事情並要小心.於告知某人有危險)]

Plus, now you're Spider-(另外,現在您是蜘蛛人-)

Roxxon is transporting Nuform, its "experimental fuel" across the city.(Roxxon正在全市運送“實驗性燃料”Nuform...)

But they won't tell us the risks.

This message is for Roxxon.

The man you answer to, Simon Krieger, is a killer.(您回答的那個人Simon Krieger是殺手。)

This plaza is a monument to everything he's done.(這個廣場是他所做的一切的紀念碑。)

[plaza/ˈplɑː.zə/:an open area or square in a town, especially in Spanish-speaking countries(城鎮中的開放區域或廣場,尤其是在講西班牙語的國家.露天廣場)]

I won't let it open.

[monument/ˈmɑːn.jə.mənt/:a structure or building that is built to honour a special person or event(為紀念特殊人物或事件而建造的建築物.紀念碑;紀念塔;紀念館)]

The Underground will stop it.

We've got a situation here.(我們這裡有情況。)

It's time!

Everyone stay calm!(大家保持冷靜!)

Stay back!

Nowhere to run!

Weapons up!

You know what to do!

Let's do this.

They need you! I'll help your mom!

Remember why we're here!


Stay back! I mean it!

I got you.

Let's go!

The Tinkerer said focus on Roxxon!

This isn't about you, Spider Man!

You attacked the wrong rally!

Keep him busy!

Miles, we made it home. Nadja's driving your mom to the hopspital.(邁爾斯,我們回家了。Nadja正在開車送媽媽去醫院。)

What? Is she Ok?

She hurt her arm when she fell. Don't worry, we're taking care of her. What about you?

What's the Underground doing?

This attack doesn't make sense.

I thought they wanted Nuform, but there isn't any here.(我以為他們想要Nuform,但是這裡什麼都沒有。)

I have to figure out the Tinker's next move.

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