General questions


1.    What is the 3DES project?

3DES project is a range of developing products to scale up 3D printing technology. The project’s global mission is to expand the 3D printing market in the society. The first product that our team is working on is a decentralized slicer.

By a decentralized slicer we mean a p2p network with tasks to proceed models for 3D printers.

1.1          As you mentioned, there will be some other products in the long run?

That’s right. After a decentralized slicer realization we’ll start development of 2 following projects:

3DEX – a decentralized 3D models market.

3DEC – a decentralized system of copyright protection for 3D models.

We will announce it later.

2.    Why a decentralized slicer is needed?

a)    Slicing a 3D model of medium complexity may take up to 5 minutes. Complex models may take up to 20 minutes. In case of errors the slicing process has to be repeated all over again. For users with low-power computers slicing is a tiresome process.

b)   The decentralized slicer technology will boost the private 3D printing studios development thanks to the reduced costs on 3D models processing. Ordinary users might argue the decentralization profitability, however there are 3 advantages that certainly work for studios:

-        Reduction in requirement to purchase and support computing equipment.

-        Speeding up the 3D models processing thanks to the work parallelization.

-        In case there are no orders, a 3D printing studio wouldn’t bear the costs for support and amortization of idle equipment.


3.    I have some doubts about your project:

3.1          3D printers are quite expensive, so if you own one, it won’t be a problem to buy a powerful computer as well.

For an ordinary user a one-time purchase of a powerful computer might not be significant, however it is a tengible spending for a 3D printing business. Our project is more business-users oriented, although enthusiasts may find it useful as well.


3.2          Most time is spent on a 3D model creation, so the slicing time is insignificant comparing to the whole process.

This argument may be used by those who design 3D models on their own. However, there is a large group of users who use ready 3D models. These users do care about time costs for slicing. It especially matters for a 3D printing studio.


4.    Are there any competitors or services like this?

There are centralized services providing cloud slicing on their own server clusters. However, we suppose that such solutions have disadvantages because of centralization:

a)   Higher slicing price.

b)   Dependence on the company providing a service.

c)    Lack of confidentiality.

Our project is the first one using ICO in the 3D printing industry, and we are determined to complete it.


5.    Have you analyzed the 3D printing market? I doubt it has any future at all.

Yes, we’ve made such study, you can learn about it in the article:


To sum up, the 3D printing market capitalization is only $5B. According to careful estimates, the market will grow 3-4 times in the next 2-3 years and up to 100 times by the year 2025. 3D printing is an emerging technology, just as BlockChain. We are planning to launch our products using both technologies.

Pre-ICO questions.

  1. What amount of tokens will be sold on pre-ICO phase?

3.500.000 DES (10% of total supply).

2. What is the token price on pre-ICO and ICO?

2500 DES per 1ETH on pre-ICO // 1000 DES per 1 ETH on ICO.

3. Min and max contribution

MIN: 0.01 ETH
MAX: 420 ETH

4. Where may I find contribution adress?

Contribution adress of the smart-contract will appear on the main page on 25 September (2:00 UTC), when the countdown stops.

5. What exchanges your token will be listed?

After pre-ICO we'll list our token on EtherDelta exchange and may be Cryptopia. After ICO phase we will go to larger exchanges.

Where may I find another info about the project?

WebSite: https://3des.network/
White Paper: https://3des.network/static/documents/en/whitepaper.pdf
Road Map: https://3des.network/static/documents/en/roadmap.pdf
Token Sale Parameters: https://3des.network/static/documents/en/token_sale.pdf
Market review and WP analysis: http://telegra.ph/ICO-the-first-blockchain-solution-for-3D-printing-industry-09-04
Article on The CoinTelegraph: https://cointelegraph.com/press-releases/3des-blockchain-for-the-sake-of-3d-printing-not-the-blockchain-itself
Pre-ICO Instruction: http://telegra.ph/Instrukciya-uchastiya-v-pre-ICO-3DES-09-21
Official Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2130316.0
Official Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2192090


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