number of tweets: 395

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 6990

Why do Germans use smilies like this :) or this:0 If they already got Ü oh Ö?

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 4567

If I were transported to the 1800s with my current knowledge intact, I’d have no idea how to recreate modern technology, none of it.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 4379

Facial recognition software can pick a person out in a crowd, but a vending machine can’t recognize a bill with a bent corner.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 3750

Somewhere in the world, a family has a holiday picture with you unintentionally in the background.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 3565

Being open to admitting that you’re wrong is one of the most undervalued personality traits.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 3489

If opposites attract, I should be dating a gorgeous, billionaire supermodel that has a loving family.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 3454

The letters in books should be glow in the dark.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 3427

If Snow White married Jon Snow she would be Snow Snow.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 3420

When crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges it’s ‘intelligent’ and ‘really cool’ but when i do it i’m ‘petty’ and ‘need to move on?’.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 3363

No matter how old I get, I always feel like everyone older than myself is a “real” adult and I’m just faking it somehow.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 3232

The first person to test a parachute must be really confident in his invention.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 3220

“Dream job” is an oxymoron. My dream is to not need a job.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 3141

What if Hogwarts is really just a mental hospital. That’s why they “aren’t allowed to do magic in the muggle world”.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 3070

Does THOR actually fly or does he just throw the hammer and hang on?

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2990

There should be a Jurassic Park movie where nothing goes wrong and a family has fun seeing all the different dinosaur attractions.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2971

Pretending to be sober in public is like doing your best impression of yourself.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2895

If you replace the velociraptors with geese in Jurassic park, it would probably be equally as entertaining and terrifying

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2847

I had a safe childhood that was full of love. There is no good reason for me to be this fucked up.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2827

If mosquitoes evolved to consume fat instead of blood, they’d be the most popular creatures on the planet.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2819

I’m not sure if I’m an introvert or an asshole.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2641

I’m more likely to say ‘hello’ to a dog on the street than a human.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2626

The number of hours I sleep in the night is directly proportional to the number of f**ks I give the next day.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2617

Attached to the scalp, hair is attractive. The instant it detaches, it’s disgusting and unsanitary.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2531

Applause is weird. “I approve of this, so have some noise.”

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2505

If you can’t handle me at my worst… It’s probably because you have healthy emotional boundaries.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2307

The response of “stop making excuses” is often used as an excuse not to listen to real concerns.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2285

If you’re driving a Tesla and it get stolen, is it now an “Edison”?

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2266

I’m a grown man and i still squeak the dog toys in the store when i pass them.

----------------------- TheWeirdWorld - 2085

Butter is food lotion.

----------------------- hashtag_stacks - 1467

If I ever got kidnapped my kidnapper would be like 'why are you so good at sitting in one room for a long period of time without showering?'

----------------------- rockymomax - 1466

ME: this is great

INSTRUCTOR: you've never used a gun before, huh?

ME: [throwing another gun at the target] I need more guns

----------------------- Brampersandon_ - 1232

[leaving a party]

HOST (holding 2 identical coats): which is urs

ME: does 1 have a corn dog in its pocket

H: ya

M (suspiciously): mine had 2

----------------------- daemonic3 - 1189

ME: [opening present from kids] Partially eaten chocolate coins?

KIDS: You said you wished you had hundreds of bit coins!

ME: [hiding pain of crippling debt] Haha I love it

----------------------- KarlreMarks - 872

Whether he'll make America great again is dubious, but he's certainly fucking ruined Twitter.

----------------------- OhNoSheTwitnt - 870

No pressure or anything but this might be a good time for any undercover superheroes to reveal themselves...

----------------------- Home_Halfway - 831

DETECTIVE: This victim was killed in Maccu Picchu but no one saw the killer

CHIEF: That means...

DET: No it really doesn't

CHIEF: I'm saying it

DET: *sigh*

CHIEF: ...he was Inca-gnito

DET: I sincerely hope he kills you next

----------------------- TheHyyyype - 574

ME: i love greek mythology

HER: same! my favorite thing about it is the morals and life lessons

ME: cool. i like when the gods bang humans

----------------------- LizHackett - 493

A friend said, "I've noticed you'll go, like, a week without tweeting," and I said, "That just means I'm happy."

----------------------- CornOnTheGoblin - 390

[texting] i just spent 200 dollars at the grocery store

wife: did you get milk

that's all i got

wife: seriously?


wife: answer your phone

----------------------- Home_Halfway - 374

AGENT: So in this movie you'll have a bullshit awful accent --


----------------------- Brampersandon_ - 353

LAWYER: tell the court where u were the night of the murder

ME (pulling socks over my hands): i will reenact the night using these puppets instead

LAWYER: please dont

JUDGE (excitedly placing googly eyes onto my socks): im gonna allow it

----------------------- behindyourback - 233

If it weren't for Twitter how would I ever have known that my ex-husband's new wife was rt'ing my former friend who I now despise?

----------------------- daemonic3 - 219

NEW GF: I love that you offered to make dinner at your place, and that you feed your dog first

ME: [opening can of dog food] What dog?

----------------------- PaperWash - 200

I had a boner the entire time I watched Wonder Woman, you can only stare into Chris Pine's eyes for so long

----------------------- dave_cactus - 187

ME: I wish you'd go away.

HER: Do you mean that??

ME: That was auto correct.

ME: Extra word.

HER: Oh yeah? What word was extra?

ME: Auto.

----------------------- behindyourback - 178

I have a one-strike mute policy on Twitter and I'm trying to figure out the logistics of how to extend that to real life.

----------------------- Home_Halfway - 170

Well I wasn't going to make today my cheat day but seeing as the Apocalypse is nigh, I'm ordering that bacon cheeseburger.

----------------------- P_o_n_k - 167

[Military Base]

GUARD: Squad Leader do you copy

SQUAD LEADER: Go for Squad Leader

GOPHER SQUAD LEADER: What do you want

----------------------- LizHackett - 162

Natural disasters are when citizens of L.A. band together as one--

[sees neighbor leaf-blowing debris from his yard into mine]

Never mind.

----------------------- OhNoSheTwitnt - 156

Recap: The main dude is Maverick and he loses his Goose bc he was reckless and then a woman calls him out Pacific Rim is just Space Top Gun

----------------------- Home_Halfway - 155

Help us Obiwan Dennis Rodman, you're our only hope.

----------------------- Home_Halfway - 153


GARTH BROOKS: Hi folks, I'm Gorth Borks


GB: Grath Bricks

CROWD: .....

GB: *1000 bees fly out of his mouth* GRISS BOOPS

----------------------- 3sunzzz - 146

*shows up at your scrapbooking party with fish stickers, zigzag scissors and no will to live*

----------------------- OhNoSheTwitnt - 141

I guess that would make Idris Elba Viper but no offense to Tom Skerritt but he was no Idris Elba

----------------------- Home_Halfway - 136

Every day is a challenge to not feel like a piece of shit in a world you're not trying to see as endless sadness.

----------------------- Home_Halfway - 134

[Kneels down, picks up a pinch of dirt, smells it, looks around] A recently-deleted twitter thread was here recently.

----------------------- behindyourback - 123

and he just milkshake ducked himself telling his date "you're doing what all women always do, women are awful, you're all like that"

----------------------- OhNoSheTwitnt - 122

Oh great now I have to go over to Instagram and start punching people huh?

----------------------- P_o_n_k - 122

He looks like he owns a katana.

----------------------- behindyourback - 113

keep feeling like everyone's going to tell me I don't really have imposter syndrome

----------------------- Brampersandon_ - 104

GAMESHOW HOST: describe your ideal date

WIFE: a romantic walk on the beach

GAMESHOW HOST: and now lets see what Brandon wrote

ME: *holds up a drawing of us eating a hot dog from opposite ends and meeting in the middle*

----------------------- PaperWash - 84

date: lets hold hands it's cute 

me: I'm 32

----------------------- Robert_Beau - 79

Historically, people don’t like change in their icons, like when Dylan went electric, or when Woody Allen quit making comedies, or when Bruce Jenner got tits.

----------------------- awkwardlyours - 78

Instagram's the only time I'll let a 12 year old tell me what's sexy.

----------------------- TheHyyyype - 78

Believe the HYPE




Eat shit

----------------------- SardonicTart - 77

I hope you get your tie caught in a shredder.

----------------------- awkwardlyours - 76

How much you wanna bet Kim Jong-Un was watching 'Look What You Made Me Do' when he fired the missile?

----------------------- daemonic3 - 75

ME: If a pirate took a selfie, would it be called a jpegleg?

COUPLES THERAPIST: [to my wife] Now your turn to share what's been bothering you lately

----------------------- Robert_Beau - 69

I wish these people in this line to see Santa would quit asking where my child is.

----------------------- notacroc - 68

Wife: *slams fists* you can't just use any brush to brush your teeth

Me: *puts down paintbrush* why are you so upset about this?

----------------------- Pundamentalism - 66

Hard to believe it’s only 34 days, 6 hours, 29 minutes and 57 seconds until the next Rain Man Appreciation Society meeting.

----------------------- rShowerThoughts - 64

As an introvert dating an introvert, a lot of our relationship revolves around asking the other person if they're OK. #Showerthoughts

----------------------- Home_Halfway - 58

Al Franken resigning would be another step forward in the fight against sexual abuse, absolutely. But don't forget to fucking BOMBARD the GOP about Roy Moore.

----------------------- awkwardlyours - 56

I am either hungry or hibernating.

----------------------- Robert_Beau - 54

I used to work with a guy named Dick Johnson ... he was redundant.

----------------------- behindyourback - 54


----------------------- behindyourback - 53

if I rt'd you, I'd be absolutely terrified of how many sincere replies you'd get :(

----------------------- behindyourback - 53

*unloading groceries & also somehow walking thru a field" "Sometimes keeping up with who I hate and why is hard... That's why I use Twitter"

----------------------- P_o_n_k - 51

[Operating Room]

ME: [through gas tube] So is there a Mr. Sthesiologist

ANESTHESIOLOGIST: *cranks the knob up to 11, knocking me out cold*

----------------------- OhNoSheTwitnt - 48

Not your best.

----------------------- Reverend_Scott - 48


----------------------- Caissie - 44

Yes! You got me. And you are...

----------------------- Robert_Beau - 44

Wrong Number (Female):

Them: Hello?

Me: Hello?

Them: Who's this?

Me: Who's this?




M: What are you wearing?

----------------------- daemonic3 - 43

[spelling bee]

JUDGE: Your word is 'dammit'


JUDGE: Wrong! It's not 'damn nit', there's no N


JUDGE: What a dumby

----------------------- rShowerThoughts - 42

There are few things more frightening than pooping in a stranger's toilet, flushing, then watching the water begin to rise. #Showerthoughts

----------------------- rShowerThoughts - 41

More people would stop texting while driving if we told them that they could be the killers instead of the killed.

----------------------- daemonic3 - 40


----------------------- MarfSalvador - 40

Omelette you into a secret 

Yes it is

----------------------- Pundamentalism - 40

The end is nigh. Or the beginning if someone is asking you how to spell 'night'.

----------------------- okimstillhungry - 39

PS4: $299 and you can play games and netflix.

Bachelors degree: $80,000 and neither games nor Netflix.

----------------------- P_o_n_k - 39

Mario Kart 8, Hai-Xin Senpai, Amy, Tedahawk, Sasuke, KFC Double Down, Mother...good night, babies.

----------------------- Caissie - 37

Look! My response to you got more hearts than you have actual followers! See? I can troll strangers like a pitiful ass too.

----------------------- rShowerThoughts - 37

If you go to an Ivy League school and take screenshots of every Tinder profile you come across, you'd have a lot of power down the road

----------------------- daemonic3 - 35

ME: Doing homework? I can help with math

SON: Really? I need to write the ratio of j to k

ME: j/k

SON: Fine, I'll figure it out myself

----------------------- SardonicTart - 34

I wish I would've had the guts to run away at 18 with $50 in my pocket.

----------------------- Caissie - 30

LOL, sweetie. I know it's embarrassing. Have a good night, love.

----------------------- OhNoSheTwitnt - 30

Game of Thrones theory: Paul Ryan is the Night King and wants everyone dead to create his army of wights.

----------------------- alyssalimp - 30

ME IN SUN: drink green juice!

ME IN SNOW: eat like I'm 8 months pregnant

----------------------- P_o_n_k - 29

HEALTH INSPECTOR: Can you show me to your cleaning supplies?

TACO BELL EMPLOYEE: What are those?

----------------------- AnOrangeSNES - 26

The family that prays together wastes their time together

----------------------- OhNoSheTwitnt - 25

Real talk because I'm getting sentimental here with my insane family, I fuckin love you, Jason. 

----------------------- P_o_n_k - 25

I don't know if I'll come back, because I hate to see abuse and cyber-bullying win, but I promise this is the truth. To everyone who just wanted jokes, I'm sorry. You've been great.

----------------------- OhNoSheTwitnt - 24

If the shoe fits.

----------------------- HotPaperComics - 24

Dog's are the worlds greatest perfectionists. 

They're the only species that looks at their poop and thinks 'Not good enough'. Then they eat it to do it again.

----------------------- OhNoSheTwitnt - 23

I simultaneously hate you and feel blessed to have a dickish big brother.

----------------------- hashtag_stacks - 22

Interviewer: How are you with excel?

Me: I can literally merge and center the FUCK out of any work sheet.

----------------------- PaperWash - 22

happy birthday u piece of shit @david8hughes it's probably not even still ur birthday in that godforsaken Narnia cuckfest Australia is it?

----------------------- Brainy_Bear - 20


EMAIL: has anyone seen the hole punch?

REPLY ALL: check boss' desk. he pokes holes in everything

BOSS (just to me): come see me now

----------------------- Caissie - 18

Seems like psychosis!

----------------------- rShowerThoughts - 18

There should be a special kind of award for people who upload photos of menus to TripAdvisor. #Showerthoughts

----------------------- Home_Halfway - 17

I've never wanted to see someone pee on a president so much in my life

----------------------- Home_Halfway - 16

Please follow @KimmyMonte @iamspacegirl and @Caissie because they're wonderful, hilarious and incredible people I adore very much.

----------------------- Home_Halfway - 15

Shitting in your kitchen

----------------------- behindyourback - 14

I'll paint you a word pic: I'm watching a date at a coffeeshop. At first I thought she was his therapist, but no it's a date

----------------------- OhNoSheTwitnt - 14

I miss you 

----------------------- SardonicTart - 14

Him: Can you set the table?

Me: *puts paper napkins and plastic silverware on patio table* Ok.

----------------------- SardonicTart - 13

*Shreds things just to annoy you*

----------------------- behindyourback - 12

I'm too scared. I can't handle anything else today

----------------------- behindyourback - 12

I don't know that store, Our Nation, did they drop Ivanka too?

----------------------- Brainy_Bear - 11

My 3 gravyest fears:

1. samwagravy (gravy sandwiches)

2. choking on gravy

3. death by angry samwagravy

----------------------- alyssalimp - 11

"Hey can I give you money & tell you my order because I don't feel like waiting in line" -something a girl in LA asked a man who said yes

----------------------- Caissie - 11

Wait, is the clay she eats raw or cooked? Because if she has to cook her own clay every day, that could explain the packed schedule.

----------------------- OhNoSheTwitnt - 11


----------------------- OhNoSheTwitnt - 11

He’s definitely in the top ten dudes who don’t deserve to be punched in the dick

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