

129. parhan
Lil sis <8

Happy anniversary for me n you. We've trough a lot together, maybe i already say this to you for like the umpteenth time. I'm very lucky can have you in my life, meet you in my life. Even words can't describe how happy i am, And you have to remember that you're good enough for me, All i can say is thank you so much. Thank you for being in here with me, i hope we can stay together like this for like an really long time, i love you sooo much. walaupun ga chatan 24/7 tapi kalo ada apa apa cerita aja ke abang ya?? im here oke, and i hope we can stay together like yhis for a long time, ya people come and go si tapi kalo masih sempet disini pasti abang bakal selalu ada buat yuki, ily ade. be happy pretty girl

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