


This letter was shown to our oldest member, Miyeon. Teteh, actually I'm absolutely astonished by you from a small thing as late as the huge thing you accomplish is certainly sophisticated. From all and sundry, you are the number one appropriate to me, far from you, of course, makes me sad. correct, I can't clown and chuckle together another time. abundant of the memories we passed together even though the past was just an occasion it felt extremely slow for me. Thank you for being a piece of myself within the past. Thank you for wanting to become involved in us even though I'm the one who wasn't in that enjoyable town. It feels like recently yesterday I met the greatest of you. Nevertheless, it felt so valuable and extraordinary. We were all comparable to having a connection. Several weeks ago it was not a comfortable thing for us to pass, and it's not a common thing to accomplish. However, escorted by this letter, I desire to make an apology and likewise bitterness it because I was leaving, making everyone terrible and also being the worst person here. Hopefully, accompanied by this letter, you can forgive me, and entirely the awful things I've relentlessly done to you. I love you, thanks for being the most valuable buddy in this wonderful earthly sphere!

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