

hillary j.

첫 번째♡ You know... We’ve been always curious about why people desire to become part of us... So, we asking you—what is it about Teenfresh that piques your curiosity and makes you want to join us? Also we want to know about you more, depth and breathe, therefore, could you please characterise your personality? Also, tell us about your pros & cons!

hey there! for me, i appreciate the positive environment and friendly people in teenfresh. it's a safe space to meet cool and creative individuals with similar interests, as well as to build meaningful connections. i find that the community is supportive and welcoming, and i would be thrilled to be able to contribute my thoughts and ideas as well. it'd be an honor to be a part of the teenfresh family, and i'm excited to meet new people and discover what we can accomplish collectively. that's why i'm drawn to become a part of the teenfresh. my name is hillary june, but you may call me hillary. as for me, i am quite garrulous and sprightly, and upon an initial introduction, i can make quick friends. if i find myself delighted by the atmosphere, i can talk for a while. my peers describe me as someone who is unable to hold my tongue, for if close to others, i will natter incessantly. i love to speak upon interesting matters, especially when playing plato, true mafia, and myriad different games. i have yet to fully ascertain my own strengths and weaknesses. perhaps my strengths lie in forming close connections with new people quickly. i can make others feel good around me and i am a good listener to them. as for my weakeness, i can be emotionally swayed by other people's words and thoughts. i am also oversensitive to other people's words and opinions of me. i am afraid that they might see me in a negative light.

두번째♡ So... As you know, we need someone we easily mingle with others or at least—can mingle with others, that’s why, we’re curios about it! Then, can you tell us, do you have the ability to blend and balance other people’s energies? Describe your personal approach to fitting in! 

sure, i can answer that! i find that i'm a pretty adaptable person, and i'm able to fit in and get along with people from different backgrounds. i'm always up for meeting new people, and i always try to make a good first impression by being friendly and showing genuine interest in the other person. if i'm in a bigger group, i like to take time to get to know people one-on-one and i try to find a few common interests that we can use to connect. i enjoy conversations and making connections with people, and i hope to continue doing that here.

제삼♡ For us, the way a person solves a problem’s the most important thing in the criteria, so answer well and correctly! Could you explain & tell us, what’s your first move if there’s an issue in the group, whether it is between individuals or between groups? Can you be completely trusted? Convince us and describe why! Lastly, we want to ask you, are you sure—you’re not the one of them? (secret-leaker behavior) If you are that sure, convince us, benevolently and never-ever break those words around!

yes, i can definitely do that. i like to be active in the community and i'm open to participating in conversations and activities. i enjoy taking part in discussions, sharing my thoughts, and learning from other people, so you can definitely count on me engaging with the group. i'll be happy to offer my perspective and suggestions, and i'm eager to find out more about teenfresh and the friends i'll meet here. don't hesitate to give me more details about what you need me to do so i can start contributing as soon as possible.

네번째♡ Which STAYC song is your favourite? It is not required to respond, but you will gain points for doing so! 

my favorite stayc song is so bad! i love the vibrant, dynamic energy of the track. the catchy chorus and powerful rapping are so addictive. the lyrics are relatable and inspiring too. every time i listen to so bad, it puts me in a good mood. it's the perfect song to get me motivated and pumped up. asap is another favorite, with it’s exciting and upbeat rhythm. i enjoy the song's dynamic structure and powerful vocals, which always keep things interesting and entertaining. i also find the lyrics to be relatable and uplifting, making the song really impactful and memorable.

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