

hillary j.

1. Because we will always be together and spend time with each other, can you tell us about your personality?

i shall present myself anew. my name is hillary june, but you may call me hillary. as for me, i am quite garrulous and sprightly, and upon an initial introduction, i can make quick friends. if i find myself delighted by the atmosphere, i can talk for a while. my peers describe me as someone who is unable to hold my tongue, for if close to others, i will natter incessantly. i love to speak upon interesting matters, especially when playing plato, true mafia, and myriad different games.

2. What makes you interested in being part of us? And what was your first impression of us??

what attracted me to be a part of frenemies is because you guys have a very pretty and cool concept! i really like this kind of community concept, because it is very synonymous with pink. my first impression of frenemies is that you guys have a great open gate poster!! your community is very pretty and attractive. really eye-catching, i’m so in love with frenemies. ♡___♡

3. If at any time there is a conflict in the group, whether it's a personal problem between you and the group members, or our group itself is experiencing problems, how do you deal with it? How do you solve the problem?? 

if there's a conflict in the group, whether it's a personal problem between me and the group members, or if the group is experiencing its own issues, i would stay level-headed and try to come up with a solution that works for everyone. i would listen to other peoples' perspectives, express my own views respectfully, and look for a compromise that all parties can agree on. if needed, i would also involve the group's founder for mediation or to provide guidance on how to better approach the situation. i don't want to let conflicts or problems ruin our group dynamic.

4. In every group there are secrets that we have to keep. Can you do that? Will you accept the consequences if you find out secrets in the group?? And if the group is quiet, what will you do? Are you going to be silent and make the group even quieter? 

yes, i can do my part to keep secrets in the group. i understand how important it is to respect the trust of others and to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the group. if i ever find out that any confidential information was leaked in the group, i would definitely accept the consequences. if i find my group is quiet, i will be proactive and try to liven up the conversation by raising more topics or questions. i want to enhance the group's engagement and avoid making it even quieter.

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