

hillary j.

I. we need to know what kind of person will join us. so, can you describe your personality? it will be plus point if you mention the pros and cons.

i shall present myself anew. my name is hillary june, but you may call me hillary. as for me, i am quite garrulous and sprightly, and upon an initial introduction, i can make quick friends. if i find myself delighted by the atmosphere, i can talk for a while. my peers describe me as someone who is unable to hold my tongue, for if close to others, i will natter incessantly. i love to speak upon interesting matters, especially when playing plato, true mafia, and myriad different games. i have yet to fully ascertain my own strengths and weaknesses. perhaps my strengths lie in forming close connections with new people quickly. i can make others feel good around me and i am a good listener to them. as for my weakeness, i can be emotionally swayed by other people's words and thoughts. i am also oversensitive to other people's words and opinions of me. i am afraid that they might see me in a negative light.

II. we don't know what will happen in the future, but if one day the plastics suddenly “rarely sit together at lunch” what actions will you take to overcome that?

if plastics start to rarely sit together during lunch, what i would do is to make the atmosphere lively again, talk about interesting things, or do something anti-mainstream.🥶🥶 oh! we can also play fun mobile games like plato and free fire maybe? /jk, beneran juga boleh sih :p

III. we hate traitors and whistleblowers, and everyone know that's disgusting behavior. can you promise that you are not one of them? and what makes you sure if you not one of them?

yeah, traitors and whistleblowers are no bueno. i promise i won't betray anyone's trust and i will keep the group's secrets safe. i know that i can be trusted cuz i take communication and friendship seriously. i put a high value on trust and transparency, so i'm just not gonna compromise on those principles. i keep my word and i'll never turn traitor or start leaking any group member's info.

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