



Happy mensive, my love. These past three months have been the happiest and fullest of my life. My world is a beautiful place because of you.. because of this love that you have given me. Thank you for sharing with me your positive outlook on lite. When I grow panicky and full of anxiety, you calm and soothe me. Your stable, calm, nature brings precious peace to my world. Few things feel better than falling asleep at night, knowing that you are always there for me. So often, I grow focused on the bumps in the road. Thank you for remaining endlessly patient with me. I appreciate your ability to look at me and know that although I am imperfect, my strengths outnumber my weaknesses. Thank you for truly loving me unconditionally. The knowledge that even when I stumble and fall, you are there to pick me up, i love you always lovee.

ayo belajar tentang bintang polaris. Bintang polaris adalah Bintang utara yg gapernah tenggelam atau terbit, Jadi dia tetep stay di langit. Aku mau deh Jadi polaris, nanti aku stay di langit buat ngehiasin Malam kamu hehehe

thank you so much for loving me, I’m not sure if you're showing your true feelings or not. but so far you really treat me well, you always support & appreciate whatever i do. I... don't know how to explain it, it's like the first time in my life meeting someone who really always understands my situation & feelings, a little selfish isn't it if I want to be with you all the time, but I'm not ready to lose you, stay with me, okay? ily

handsome 🙇🏼‍♀️💭

i really love u, u are sk handsome, u are perfect, u always be my World, ho one else, only u, i'm so lucky to have u, stay with me please.

kalo kamu nanya “kok kamu mau si punya cowo kaya aku” jawabannya ya karna kamu baik. aku sayang atau suka sama kamu bukan berarti aku mandang kamu dari segi fisik. kamu udaa lebih dari sempurna, aku bangga punya cowo kaya kamu. kamu yang selalu ngertiin aku, yang selalu sabar ngadepin sikap aku, yang selalu ngehibur aku disaat aku lagi sedih/badmood, atau hal hal kecil yang pernah kamu kasi ke aku. jadi itu semua udaa lebih dari cukup buat aku, itu semua udaa bikin aku nyaman sama kamu. jangan pernah ngerasa diri kamu belum bisa jadi yang terbaik buat aku ya? aku ngerasa kamu udaaa baikk banget sama aku, kamu gaada kurangnya di mata aku. kamu selalu sempurna, kamu lucu, kamu ngeselin tpi aku tetep sayang.. yang pasti aku syg sama kamu bukan krn siapa dirimu tapi karna ketulusan kamu sama aku kaya gimana.

hhave a nice day buat hari ini, dan hati' ya buat nanti katanya mau ke puncak have fun sayang, i love u.

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