

jane keren

things i want to tell u

1. i'm so glad i met u

2. i really do appreciate u being in my life

3. u feel like home i've never had

4. i told the stars about u

5. u're my safe place

6. u make me happy

7. everything is better when i'm with u

8. i hope u genuinely smile and laugh, with or without a reason

9. i truly appreciates what u've always done for me making my day to be special

10. u need to know how precious u're in my life and you deserve all the love in this world

with much love, jane keren


i know ure going through alot and u're tired but pls remember if u need someone to talk, i'll be here for u from now on okay? u never be alone. i'm here for u, always here. even tho not for 24/7 but when u needed me the most, i'll always here. feel free to contact me whenever u feel sad or lonely. i'll be here for u no matter what happens. i hope this year will be more fun and many things will be better. thank u for exist. i'm so glad that u exist abi. ur existence is more than enough ngl, and tysm for that. thank u for surviving, thank u for being my buddy, thank u for being urself, and thank u for being thru lots of shit last year and this year. u been stronger day by day because u've been thru lots of tough things. look at ur self, okay? ure such a good girl, doing so well. i'm super duper mega proud of u. wishing u have a long and healthy life of joy and happiness abi. one thing u have to remember is u deserve to be happy. as always, u deserve all the good things in this world, u deserve all the happiness in this world, u deserve the loves u give to others. u deserve good ppl around u, u deserve to be loved. ure special, ure valuable, ure enough, ure worthy, and ure precious.

take a look of this : 🌍 what means the world for u? as for me, u deserve all the big love in this world. u really deserve it. wait lemme change it, the 🌍 is need u because U ARE PRECIOUS HUMAN BEING!

the world is better when u in it abi. thank u for surviving this cruel life, many people love u, after all this time and always. u've struggled so hard and it made u be greater than ever. may ur hope and wishes come true in this year, and let's pass this month with joy and grace. CHEER UP ABI! the world needs to know that u deserve much more than u have rn, u know? may God protect u from everything bad. dont forget to take a good care of urself today, and the next day, and the day after that. eat healthy food, drink enough water, get enough rest, and love yourself okay? may this year bring u bunch of luck. may good things will always shower u everyday. anw did u smile today? i hope u smiled today, if not quick, do it now!!! the world will be more beautiful if u smile 🌍❤️ i hope u keep smiling abi. ure such a great person! keep going! there's so many beautiful things in this world that we haven't discovered yet!

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