Seduced By Miriam - part 3

Seduced By Miriam - part 3

Jewish sex stories

Once I stepped into the darkness of night and started walking home from Miriam's, "We are going to spend the night in my bed.", the last words she said to me as I left, began echoing in my head. The walk that normally would take about twenty minutes, tonight, seemed to only take five minutes. Now, all that I need to do is to enter the house and get into bed without disturbing anyone. It was almost 1:30 in the morning, far too late for me to be out, especially with school tomorrow. I can feel the dried fluids from Miriam’s pussy on my face, and I had to get up early in the morning and take a bath. I can only imagine what has dried on me elsewhere, after all Miriam and I have done. My mind had been so occupied with these words and the events of the evening that the minutes flew by faster than normal. I still couldn't believe that Miriam and I had sex. We not only had sex, but she let me shoot my stuff into her hole and now she wants me to return on Saturday and spend the night with her, in her bed. Tonight, the few lights that were still on in the windows as I passed by held no interest for me. I had seen a live girl naked, and up close, I not only saw her naked, my boner was in her hole and I did it with her. I felt like I wanted to yell out to the world, "I did it, Miriam and I just had sex with each other."

I woke early in the morning and headed directly for the bathroom and began running the water into the tub for a quick bath. I stepped into the tub and after splashing some water onto my face, I could immediately smell the essence of Miriam in the air. If I were to go to school carrying this odor on me everyone would know what I had done the previous night. I finished my bath, dressed, had some breakfast, then left for school. Miriam was the only thing on my mind, from the time that I woke up this morning, and until I walked into the school. Even though I knew what we had just done, I still found it hard to believe that it happened. Then there was the anticipation of Saturday night. I knew in advance that this was going to be a long day in school, after school and tomorrow until Saturday night finally arrived was going to be even longer.

Each of my classes seemed to take much longer than normal, I know that they were still 47 minutes long, but they felt as if each was twice as long. I did pass Miriam in the hallway between second and third periods. We didn't have any time to talk as we passed, but I did smile at her as she mouthed some words I didn’t understand. Lunch time finally rolled around, and I headed for the cafeteria, hopefully catching Miriam as she went to her next class after eating her lunch. The cafeteria was not large enough to seat the entire school population at the same time, therefore we had two staggered lunch periods and Miriam ate at the earlier one. I got into the lunch line, grabbed a tray, and waited my turn for the day's selection. A small piece of roast beef, a dab of mashed potatoes with a touch of gravy, a nonde vegetable, lettuce salad, milk, and a small bowl of pudding. Paid the cashier my 39 cents for the meal and found a place to sit at one of the tables. I had just begun eating when Ronny sat down beside me and started talking.

"Hi Jim, how are you doing today. I saw Miriam earlier in the hallway. We were going in the same direction and I mentioned to her that she apparently made it home okay. She said that she appreciated that you walked her home. That Marvin is a real schmuck, leaving her to walk home by herself when he's supposed to be her boyfriend."

"I know what you mean. I couldn’t believe that he would do anything like that to her. We talked a little after we got to her house, nothing of importance, and then I went on home. I'm just glad that she was able to get home safely."

I really didn't want Miriam to be the topic of our conversation, I was afraid that I might slip and say more than I wanted to. As I finished my lunch, I changed the conversation from Miriam to what the two of us were going to do over the next few weeks. The bell range signaling the end of lunch and giving me a few minutes to get to my next class. Again, each of my afternoon classes took forever to end. I did see Miriam again in the hallway as I was going to my last class. We were going in opposite directions again, and I smiled at her as she mouthed what appeared to be the same words as earlier. Finally, the school day was over, now I only had to make it through until tomorrow night. I was leaving the building, when I saw Miriam in front of me and called her name.

She stopped, waited for me to catch up with her, and said. "I don't have time to stop and talk right now. It’s Friday, and I have to go right home." Then she lowered her voice and said. "I'll see you tomorrow night. I love you."

Without thinking, I started to say, "I love you too.", but I never got the words out before she turned and headed for home.

Were they the words she was mouthing today as we passed in the hallway? The three words did fit the way her lips were moving, when I said them to myself. I was shocked, we weren't supposed to fall in love with each other, but Miriam did just tell me that she loved me. I had to admit to myself that the feelings I had for Miriam were extremely strong and were bordering on love. Maybe it was even more than bordering and I didn't want to admit it to myself. Can two people fall in love with each other that easily, only because of what we did last night? I know that each of us admitted that we liked the other before last night ever happened, maybe that's all it took to push us that much closer. We need to have a serious talk about love, the feelings we each have, and our future, tomorrow night.

My thoughts were interrupted when Ronny said. "Hey man, why do you look so serious? What's going on in your head? Come on over to my place and let's hang out for a while."

"Sure, I don’t have to be home until supper time."

It only took us about five minutes to walk from school to his house. We then sat on his front porch and talked about school, the teachers and some of the other students that we both knew.

Out of nowhere Ronny said. "Let's go inside to my room and listen to some music."

"Okay." I said. Thinking that it might help take my mind off Miriam for a while.

"I have some new records and every song ever recorded by Elvis."

We went into his room and Ronny pulls out the biggest stack of 45's I have ever seen outside of a record store. He looks through his stack of records and hands me a smaller stack of the records he pulled out."

"This is everything I have by Elvis." He said.

I'm looking through the records and keep seeing RCA, RCA, and RCA. Then I find a couple that are recorded on the Sun label.

"Hey Ronny, what are these on the Sun label? I've never heard of these songs."

"They're the first songs he ever recorded. They were done before RCA signed him. Would you like to hear them?"

Ronny started playing the different records for me to listen to, when he says.

"How would you like to see one of my treasures? My mom doesn’t know I have this."

"Sure." I replied to him.

"If I show it to you, you have to promise not to tell anyone what you saw."

"You know I would keep it to myself. You don’t have to worry about me telling anyone"

He opens the door to his closet and begins looking for something on the top shelf. He finds what he is looking for and withdrew his hand clutching what looks like a wad of some type of cloth. He held his hand out and lets the material unravel. It was a woman’s bra.

"Where and how did you ever get some woman’s bra?" I asked him.

"I stole it."

"You stole it. Who from, and how?"

"From a stripper, downtown. I went to one of the clubs and took it when no one was watching. She took it off during her dance and tossed it, and it landed near me. Everyone was so busy watching her shake her boobs, that I just reached down, picked it up, and shoved it into my pocket."

"How did you manage to get into one of those strip clubs?"

"I had a fake ID made, but I didn’t even need it. I look older than I am, and I just walked up to the entrance acting like I knew what I was doing. The bouncer stopped me and asked if I was 21. I just said 'Sure, would you like to see my ID? Do you think I’d be trying to get in here if I wasn’t?' He just let me walk in, I found a table and sat down. I ordered a beer and sat there drinking it, while I watched the strippers take their clothes off."

"I could never pull that off, I can’t even pass for my own age. Hey Ronny, I've got to head for home, my mom will be putting dinner on the table soon. Thanks for the music and showing me the strippers bra. I'll catch up with you at school on Monday. I think my mom is going to keep me busy this weekend.

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