

i know the importance of expressing our feelings instead of hiding them from the world. i was raised in a circumstance where my feelings and emotions would never be valid and i always decided to keep it for myself. i accept everything that happened, i would never regret the moment i told you about my feelings towards you, though i’m sure in the end its either our friendship will be ruined. love is a very heavy feelings, i realized i didn’t actually feel the heaviness to love you each seconds, my feelings was genuine. i never expect anything from you especially that you will give me the same feedback. i just love the idea of waking up with so much excitement knowing i’ll be around you. though sometimes we didn’t have any spesific conversations, i just love it.

i never regret being your friend or being someone who’s totally into you. i’m glad i have the chance to feel this spesific chapter with you in my life. i mean, look at you, everything about you is just amazing. it didn’t even took me long to realize that i don’t like you just because you’re hot or something. well, you are though. the very first thing about you is just that you’re someone so pure, you treat me so well. i know you’re having a hard time managing your time in role play. but i just adore everything you did to me at the point your existence itself already brings me tons of happiness and joyness.

at the end of the day, the only thing i ever wanted is just your own happiness. i will always wish everything the best for you. i hope your life will always filled with a lot of joys. thank you so much for being someone effortlessly making me happy. you’re the one who deserve all love in the whole world. i’ll keep everything about you for the longest time. though i might just be one of your dearest friends, i will never ever regret doing and saying all of this to you. i just need to let you know my actual feelings towards you.

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