on behalf of the World Bank's MENA Knowledge and Learning Committee let me thank you for your efforts and great success in partnering with the Bank and the League

of Arab States in putting together the "Gender in MNA Projects:

Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment" workshop - one of

the best workshops we have organized in the region. It was

substantive, made excellent use of interactive processes, and

allowed participants to not only learn from the invited speakers but

from each other as well...

...The feedback we have gotten from the participants has been

overwhelmingly positive with many wanting follow-up activities

for next year. None of this would have been possible without

CAWTAR's critical inputs on both the substantive and

organizations side. Both were of the highest quality and represent

best practice for all future such events.

Your strong links at the level of regional MENA governments as well

as civil society organizations makes you a unique partner in the field

of gender and inclusion. We look forward to many years of strong

collaborative work with CAWTAR and hope to expand beyond

learning events to joint operational engagements.  

Report Page