
Here i am laying on my bed, thinking about how the rest of my 24 (and the rest of my twenties) is going to play out. I don't know what's going to happen in my life before i hit 24, but i promised myself to cherish it regardless. But well, there's still so many things i haven't tried, and there’s still so many adventures i haven't gone through.

Everything is so confusing in these in-betweens; confusing career path, confusing relationships, confusing life choices. I don't know if this is what most people felt in their 24 but at least that’s what i feel. In the months after i turned 24, i have been trying to figure myself out, and trying to figure my life out too. But my process of exploration haven't come into light until now. I always weirdly feel like my time is running out but come on, i still have years to come to figure it all out (hopefully).

Bunch of love,


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