
“Nervos is a network of scalable and interoperable blockchains built on top of an open network — which they call the Common Knowledge Base (CKB). CKB is built as a security anchor for all blockchains (and layer 2 protocols such as state channels) in the Nervos network.”

There is a certain dilemma between public and private blockchains. The permissioned chains choose transaction throughput and speed sacrificing security and decentralization. Public chains maximize security and decentralization, which limits their scalability potential. 

Nervos strives to become a bridge between these two worlds by introducing two-layered architecture. Integrating a secured public chain as a Layer 1 and a high-performance application chain as Layer 2, the project aims to make blockchains easy usable for enterprises and end users.

  • Mobile friendliness is one of the design principles of the Nervos CKB. Nervos DApps should be able to run smoothly on mobile devices and integrate with mobile platforms seamlessly


Independent transactions can be processed in parallel in many ways, such as on different CPU cores or sent to different shards. Parallelism is the key solution to blockchain scalability problems.

By combining Nakamoto Consensus and the traditional BFT consensus, Nervos retains the system’s openness and availability, and takes advantage of the excellent performance of traditional BFT consensus

Life Cycle

 There are two phases in the life cycle of Cells. Newly created cells are in the first phase P1. Cells are immutable data objects. Updates to cells are done through transactions. Transactions take the P1 Cells to be updated as inputs, and output new P1 Cells with new states produced by the Generator. 

Every P1 Cell can only be used once — they cannot be used as inputs for two different transactions; after use, P1 cells enter the second phase P2. P2 Cells cannot be used as transaction input. We call the set of all P1 Cells as P1CS (P1 Cell Set). The P1CS has all the current states of the CKB. We call the set of all P2 cells as P2CS (P2 Cell Set). The P2CS has all the historical states of the CKB. 

Full nodes on the CKB only needs P1CS to validate transactions. They can deploy certain strategies to clear P2CS. P2CS can be archived on Archive Nodes or distributed storage. CKB light clients only need to store block headers and specific cells, and do not need to store the entire P1CS or P2CS.


The crucial part for investors is that the CKB token gives governance rights, which is very important and will have a tremendous impact of the token’s valuation. Liquid voting will have different participation rates and support ratios for varios dicisions. Also the users will be able to delegate their voting power, and the delegates will be able to redelegate their power to the next delegates.

All this opens possibilities for pretty complex models of governance ( the simple ones as well).

Liquid voting

One of the other important features of Nervos tokenomics is the allowance of freemium payment models.

With them the dapps will be able to pay network for their customers. This removes the great amount of pain for the end users and makes the widespread adoption of crypcurrencies a lot closer. 

The subscription model removes pain of many single payments and makes the user experience much more enjoyable. To feel the difference you can, probably, remember how you feel, when you pay for a one-way undergraund tiket many times a month, or just buy a monthly pass and forget about it for the time being.

With such feature the dapps developers can accept ETH, BTC or even fiat from their customers, so the end users may even not know that they are using a dapp.

Of cource, the CKB token will be used to make payments for the network resources.


Engineering started in January 2018. We will release the Nervos appchain by Q3 2018, along with a blockchain browser Microscope and dApp wallet Neuron. Our testnet is estimated to be ready in Q4 2018 and mainnet in Q2 2019.


Developers can use any language they would like to create applications on Nervos.

The purpose:

If distributed ledgers are the “settlement layer” of digital assets, general purpose common knowledge bases are the “settlement layer” of all types of common knowledge. The goal of Nervos CKB is to become the state layer of the Nervos network as a general purpose common knowledge base. It provides the state and trust foundation for decentralized applications

The investors:

In this section I want to attract your attention not to the usual tens of new crypto funds that emerged in 2017, but the several well-known and respected partners.

Sequoia Capital — one of hte most famous VCs in hte world

Huobi Capital — one of the best crypto exchanges and can ( and surely will) list the project.

Polychain — one of the most decent funds in crypto, which places its money bets pretty carefully. It has one of the highes betting average (proportion of coins that doubled their value) in the portfolio. http://coinboss.co/cryptofunds

The best investor (for me) — Multicoin capital. In my opinion, one of the most professional funds in the industry now. I highly recommend you to visit their website for educational materials and to listen to multiple podcasts with the manageing partners.


My name is Jan, and I’m the chief architect and co-founder of Nervos. I’ve been contributing to the Ethereum open-source project for a few years and have worked with Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin on Casper and sharding.

I met some of my best friends — who are now also my cofounders — Daniel,Terry and Kevin during my years working as a software engineer working on Ruby on Rails. We also worked together on a podcast about software development called Teahour.fm.

Together we have all contributed and built open source software projects in the crypto space including the open-source Peatio Exchange — which is used by many crypto exchanges, Spark Pool — the world’s third largest ETH mining pool, and imToken— the world’s largest Ethereum wallet.

started Cryptape and created a permissioned blockchain calledCITA, a fast and scalable blockchain for enterprise users. CITA is completely open source, and in the past two years we have been working with clients in the enterprise space including companies in banking, entertainment, government and IT services. Today Cryptape and CITA has the largest and most recognized blockchain engineering team in China, with more than 30 blockchain developers.

Today we believe it is time for us to move onto our second phase in our plans: to build a public blockchain component in our network (Nervos),


Can dapps choose various consensus algorithms? Can one dapp choose PoS and the other one PoW? 

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