

Wa Alaykum Salam.

We're sorry about this, and we already informed everyone here (our followers) - may Allah preserve them - in IG story that the women who post their selfies especially those who uncover their face and hair, will be blocked, and the women who keep tagging us in their posts or any post of women matters (eg.cosmetics, etc), in order to avoid fitnahs.

We also inform them that they can comeback with another account with the same name or id or anything they like, without putting their selfies, they can use flowers or mountain photos.

We do not block any women - just becoz they messaging us, except that some matters we mentioned above. We do not visit their pages (except when in extreme-need, such as block them), or focus on those who following us, but if they appear to liking our posts - like it or not - we will notice them. The Muslim sisters should advices their fellow muslims sisters for Allah's sake.

There's also some of brothers, i.e. their spokesman, to ask the same question why we blocking some women.

Thus it is clear now, that we are never joking or playing here, whether it online or offline. And yes this page is dedicated to share the tongue of the Scholars of the Sunnah only, since we find the fact that some Muslims are unaware from whom they takes knowledge or did not pay attetion to seek knowledge. They still need to go to the Scholars to study more their religion after that.

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