2.2.5 Introduction

2.2.5 Introduction



In the upcoming version update 2.25 for all four-star hero adds new equipment: "" the holy "." 

Relic can be upgraded 5 times, each upgrade is given to enhance the hero in one direction, the percentage may increase the damage, and even increase the skills of the target number, and so on.

When you upgrade the holy things of the hero levels have certain requirements, but also need to consume a certain amount of material and gold coins. 

Upgrade Relic Materials Required: 

Level 1: Green Skills Volume + glory emblem + Gold 

2: red skill Volume + glory emblem + Gold 

Level 3: yellow Skills Volume + glory emblem + Gold 

4: Energy Rune + glory emblem + gold 

level 5: energy Rune + + emblem glory gold 

because it is the testing service, so the amount of material specific needs is not accurate, it is not described in detail.

Thanks to Sin~Gene/Dr.Doom for translation!

Circe - hero attack gain 12%, minions attack range increase 100%, minions 20% damage more to summoned units, each skill circe performs increase hero attack 15% capped at 60%, skill rate increase 10%

Seamas - hero hp increase 6%, minions hp increase 2%, hero dies and revived with 10% hp, minions damage reduction 10%, 30% of damage taken by hero is transferred to his minions (shared equally) Seamas - correction, instead of dying and revived with 10% hp. It should be everytime seamas is stunned, he regains 10% hp


Alash - hero evasion increase 3%, minions attack increase 8%, minions has 30% more damage to cavalry, infantry and musketeers


Nicolai - minions attack range increase 100%, hero deals 30% more damage to archer type heroes, skill activate once at the start of battle, for every skill nicolai activate, opposing hero takes 10% incremental skill damage and capped at 50%


Merlin last buff - skill damage doubled on enemies who has 30% hp below (holy shit...)


Hyacinth - hero attack gain 12%, minions attack gain 8%, healing sphere increases healing by 20%, healing sphere range increases 20%, healing sphere duration increases 25%


Jerome - hero attack gain 12%, minions attack gain 8%, jerome silenced timing reduced by 80%, skill cooldown reduced 20%, skill target increases to 2


Eugene - troop hp increase 2%, troop def up 50% at start of battle, last for 50 seconds, hero healing effect increase 20%, skill activate once at start of battle, skill target increase by 1


Bellerophon  - hero attk up 12%, troop range up 100%, troop dmg 30% more to archers, troop dmg 30% more to mages, skill activate once at start of battle


Helmar - hero hp up 6%, troop def up 12%, hero regains 10% hp whenever he is stunned, skill activate once at start of battle, skill activate once when hero dies

Sarky - troop range increase 100%, troop 30% more damage to pavisers, enemies damaged by skill once will take 6% more normal damage, capped at 30%, skill rate up 20%

Carter - hero def up 2%, troop hp up 2%, hero healing effect up 20%, regain 10% hp each time hero is stunned, for every minion alive, hero get 1% up def

Seth - hero atk up 12%, troop atk up 12%, troop 20% more dmg to summoned units, troop size limit increase by 2, troop atk increase 50% at start of battle last for 50 sec

Achilles - attack up 12%, troop atk up 8%, troop dmg up 20% to summoned units, troop atk up 50% at start of battle last for 50 sec, troop size limit increase by 2

Robin - troop range up 100%, hero dmg up 20% on summoned units, for every units alive, hero gain 1% atk, whenever robin or his troops kill a hero, that hero's troops atk and def down by 30%

Cantello - troop dmg up 8%, skill range up 20%, for each skill activation, hero atk up 15% capped at 60%, 30% of dmg dealt to hero is redirected and shared equally among his troops

Ragnar - troop hp up 2%, hero attk is undogeable, defense is not considered for hero normal atk, whenever ragner or his troop kill a hero, that hero troop atk and def down 30%

Lilycrop - hero atk up 12%, troop atk up 8%, skill cooldown down 20%, skill rate up 10%, 1 skill activate = hero atk up 15% capped at 60

Reinhard  - hero hp up 6%, troop hp up 2%, 1 skill activation = hero regain 10% hp, hero healing effect up 20%, 30% dmg dealt to hero is redirected and shared equally to his troops

Choe - troop def up 50% At start, last 50 sec, skill activAte once when hero die, hero healing effect up 20%, 30% dmg dealt to hero is redirected and shared equally among his troops, last buff got cut off so i dont fucking know

Morgana - troop atk up 8%, troop dmg 30% more to infantry, hero skill affect the targeted hero to take 6% more normal damage per activation capped at 30%, silenced hero get stunned for 2 seconds, last skill got cut off so i don know

Merlin - hero atk up 12%, troop atk up 8%, for every unit alive, hero gain 1% atk, skill target up to 18 units, units who has 30% hp and below take double damage from merlin skill

Urza - hero atk up 12%, troop atk up 50% for first 50 sec, troop has 50% chance to regain 1% hp per hit, troop regains 10% hp everytime they leave a battle (meaning they killed a troop and walk to another target), troop size limit up 2

Tapster - hero atk up 12%, troop atk up 8%, skill cooldown down 20%, skill duration up 25%, hero atk up 15% for every skill activation capped at 60%

Joan - hero atk up 12%, troop hp up 90% (wtf?!), skill rate up 10%, silenced duration down 80%, skill range up 20%

Lancelot - troop atk up 8%, skill rate up 10%, for every alive unit, hero atk up 1%, hero skill dmg up 20%, cant see so i donno

Octavius - troop atk up 50% for first 50 sec, hero atk up 1% for every alive unit, troop regain 10% hp when leave battle, troop has 50% chance to regain 1% hp per hit, cant see so i donno

Ignatius - hero atk up 12%, troop atk up 8%, hero atk up 1% for every alive unit, troop 30% more dmg to cavalry and infantry, troop size up 32

Kelly - hero atk 12%, troop atk 8%, for every hero kelly or her troops killed, kelly troops atk up 10% cap at 50

Elizabeth - troop atk 8%, if eliza or her troop kill a hero, the hero troops atk and def down 30%, double damage to enemy with 30% hp and lower, double damage to enemy with 80% hp and lower

Saladin - hero hp 6%, troop hp 2%, troop atk 8%, troop skill dmg reduction 20%, skill duration up 25%

Terim - hero atk 12%, troop range 100%, hero silenced timing down 80%, cooldown down 20%, skill activation once at start of battle

Mary - troop atk 8%, skill dmg up 20%, targeted units by skill will take 6% more normal dmg per skill activation cap at 30, skilll target up to 18

Uriah - 1 skill activation = hero atk up 15% cap at 60, skill targets 2, double dmg to units with 30% hp and lower, hero will not die before his troops are wiped out (meaning u have to kill all his troops before u can kill uriah, his hp will be left at 1)

Cedric - troop hp up 2%, troop hp up 2% again...., troop dmg reduction 10%, skill effect up 20%, for every hit the troop made has 50% to regain 1% hp

Shazzo - troop def 50% up for first 50 sec, skill activation once when hero die, skill range up 20%, 30% dmg dealt tohero is redirected and shared equally among his units, last buff cant see

Eileen - hero atk up 12%, troop atk up 50% for first 50 sec, 30% dmg more to muskets, mages and archers

Hilda - troop atk up 50% for first 50 sec, hero atk up 15% for every skill activation cap at 60%, skill activate once at start of battle, skill targets 2, cant see

Galahad - troop atk up 8%, skill dmg up 20%, regains 10% hp to hero for every skill activation, units damaged by galahad skill take 6% more normal dmg, cant see

Edward IV - hero atk up 12%, troop range 100%, skill rate up 10%, skill activate once when hero die, skill activate once at start of battle

Sarah- hero atk 12%, troop atk8%, hero atk up 15% per skill capped at 60, skill effect up 20, skill targets 18

Barfoot - hero atk 12%, troop range100%, skill rAte 10%, skill dmg 20%, double dmg to units with 80% hp and below

Pink archer - troop range 100%, skill rate 10%, units targeted by skill will take 6% more normal dmg, capped at 30%, hero atk up 15% for every skill activation capped at 60%,cant see

Dahlia - hero atk 12%, troop atk 8%, skill cool down 20%, skill rate 10%, hero atk up 15% per skill activation cap at 60, cant see

Einar - hero atk12%, troop range 100%, 30% more dmg to pav and infantry, skill targets 18

Paris - troop range 100%, hero atk 15% per skill activation cap at 60, skill range up 20%, whenever paris or troop kill a hero, that hero troops atk and def down 30%, cant see

Charles Martel - hero atk 12%, troop def 12%, hero silenced timing down 90%, skill rate up 10%, troop dmg reduction 10%

Hedvig - hero atk 12%, troop atk 8%, targeted hero gets 2 sec stun per skill activation, troop size up 2, hero atk up 15% per skill cap at 60

Edward - hero atk 12%, troop atk 8%, 30% more dmg to pavisers, skill targets 3 more, skill targets 3 more again...

Monkey - hero def 18%, troop hp 2%, troop dmg reduction 2%, troop regain 10% hp per skill activation, hero def up 15% per skill activation cap at60

Belthor - hero atk 12%, troop atk 8%, targeted units by Belthor skill takes 10% more skill dmg and 6% more normal damage cap at 50% and 30% respectively, cant see last one

Gawain - hero atk 12%, troop atk 8%, skill dmg up 20%, skill target units stunned for 2 sec, skill targets up to 18

William - hero atk 12%, troop atk 8%, targeted units by hero skill get 6% more normal dmg per skill capped at 30%, hero regain 10% hp per skill activation, increase amount of targets

El Cid- hero def 18%, troop hp 2%, hero healing effect 20%, for every alive troop hero get 1% def, troop 10% dmg reduction

Cannon - hero atk 12%, troop hp 2%, skill rate up 10%, troop size up 2, skill targets 3 more

Eulji- hero atk 12%, troop atk 8%, troop dmg reduction 10%, skill activate once at start of battle, troop has 50% chance to regain 1% hp per hit

Manto - hero atk 12%, troop range 100%, skill cd 20%, skill effect 20%, affected friendly troops by manto skill get 10% dmg reduction per skill capped at 40%

Phillip - hero atk 12%, troop atk 8%, skill effect 20%, skill rate 10%, skill targets 2

GDR - hero hp 6%, troop def up 50% for first 50 sec, troop has 50% chance to regain 1% hp per hit, troop sheeped timing reduced 30%, troop size limit up 2

Anatole - hero atk 12%, troop range 100%, for every alive unit hero gain 1% atk, every hero attack is a critical, hero attack is undodgeable

Pettyfer - troop atk 8%, heroes normal attack causes target to down 35% attack, hero normal attack causes target healing effect down 50%, whenever petter or her troops kill a hero, that hero troops get 30% down atk and def

CTG  - troop atk up 8%, troop size limit up 2, skill activates once when hero die, skill activate once at start of battle

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