I am the man.

I am an alfa male.

I am dominant.

I am always relaxed.

I am assertive and powerful.

Others see me as powerful and self assured.

My confidence is rock solid.

All women are naturally attracted to me.

I can take the leed in any social situation.

I am totally secure in myself.

I speak with authority.

Being an alpha male is just the way I am.

Women are naturally attracted to my alpha characteristics.

Confidence is my natural right.

Being assertive and dominant are just who I am.

I enjoy being the leader in social situations.

I love being the alpha male.

Others look up to me for my strength of character.

I am highly respected.

I make women feel safe and secure.

My alpha maleness allows women to feel more feminine.

I am brimming with self-confidence.

Women are naturally attracted to me.

I walk and talk with total assurance.

Other men envy my positive attitude.

I am assertive and powerful.

I always take the leed in social situations.

I speak with authority and power.

I feel completely secure in myself.

I am always the dominant male in the room.

I take control and I act.

My confidence is rock solid.

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