Mr Coleman

What was 2020 like…


2020 was a historic year for all mankind. The humanity faced the tremendous power of human mind. The mind-boggling experiment in a tiny laboratory somewhere in China became a cautionary tale for the whole society. The release of the mortal virus was either a terrible mistake or a well-planned clandestine scheme aimed at elimination of the world economy and significant reduction of population.

The year of acute pain, uncertain future and austere present. People all over the world felt exposed and dejected, being under the pressure of tall orders not just staying healthy and alive but also sustaining their families. And those, who were accomplished enough and took the changes with proverbial grain of salt came out after these world-wide alteration with dignity and head held high.

As for me, I am a man of spirit, self-sufficient, emotionally detached and in cardinal life moment act cold-bloodedly. Certainly, the year 2020 was a challenge for my family. But we confronted all the problems honorably and adroitly. All the members of my family are inextricably linked and devoted to each other. So in every single difficult life situation we face the problem, ascertain the way of solution, take affirmative actions and muster up the courage for the long-standing rivalry.

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