20180812[Useful words and phrases in English writing]

20180812[Useful words and phrases in English writing]




3*males=men, females=women

4*from 1990 to 2000=between 1990 and 2000=over a period of 10 years

5*the number of+可数名词复数 或 the amount of+不可数名词单数=the figure for可数名词复数或不可数名词单数。

いち表示上升 go up(went up), increase(inccreased), rise(rose), grow(grew)

○ rise,increase可以作为名词使用。

呈现出上升/下降趋势:show an upward/a downward trend

呈现出相反趋势:show an opposite trend

に表示下降 decline(declined), fall(fell), drop(dropped), decrease(decreased)

○ 以上都能作为名词使用

fall back to 回落至...

さん表示波动 fluctuate(fluctuated) *fluctuate between X and Y

よん表示稳定 remain stable at, remain steady at, level off at

ご 表示经历了某种变化:see(saw), experience(experienced), witness(witnessed)

Example: London saw a significant increase in the number of vistors between 1990 and 2000.

ろく 达到峰值 peak(v.) at, reach its peak(n.) at

达到最低点 reach its lowest point at, fall to its lowest point at

なな 达到某个具体的数值 reach(reached), stand at(stood at)

はち 占据份额 account for(accounted for), make up(made up), represent(represented), constitute(constituted)

きゅう表示预测 expect, predict, project (通常以被动形式出现)

じゅう表示倍数 double(doubled), increase twofold, triple(tripled), increase threefold

A is twice as high/long /fast... as B

A is three times as high/long /fast... as B

じゅういち始终高于/低于 A is consistently higher/lower than B

じゅうに差距变小 the gap between A and B is narrows(narrowed)

差距扩大 the gap between A and B is widens(widened)

じゅうさん超过 exceed(exceeded)+具体数字, overtake(overtook)+比较对象

じゅうよん急剧 sharp(sharply), rapid(rapidly), dramatic(dramatically)

じゅうご持续 steady(steadily), gradual(gradually), consistent(consistently)

*continue 动词表示某个趋势的延续

じゅうろく显著 significant(significantly), noticeable(noticeably), considerable(considerably)

じゅうなな幅度小 slight(slightly)

じゅうはち大约 about, just over, around, just under, approximately

じゅうきょう分别 respectively

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