
During summer I suffered from depression.

I start to research information on depression and end up with meditation. I started to meditate once a week. Nowadays I meditate once every 3 days. It really helped me to cope with emotions. I tried the app called "Headspace ".

Then I tried dzadzen (it's siting sitting meditation that Steve Jobs used to practice) and tergar meditation (it is classical Tibetan meditation with more explanations and techniques, plus I have read 2 very illustrative books written by Jonge Mingyur Rinpoche: I would tell you the exact titles in English if you wish but if translate them from Russian into English they would read like "Buddhism and Neurophysiology" and "Happy wisdom". Also I've read a great book on Depression "Depression is contagious" M.Japco.

I tried a few antidepressants and continue to take Valdoxan - French drug with literally no side effects. It helps me to fall asleep on time.

My colleagues and friends were very supportive during this time. So, I can hope that I do well in the future.

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