


Sayangku, halo? Today we are gonna spend our day together! Me: beyond happy! I can't wait!!! I just woke up and I feel so hapi!!! We are gonna do huggies and kithes a lot today!!! I am gonna kith your cheemkies as well today! So, be ready!!! Your girlfriend is gonna be super clingy today because she is just beyond excited and happy! Nothing could make me as happy as I am right now! Oh, yes, the hand-writing letter will be there soon as well, on our next meeting, ya? Amplopku habis.. Hing.. Tapi aku udah order sih dari senin! Nggak tau kenapa belum sampe! Sebel! Nye is hapy, nye is hapy! Oh, right, since today is the first day of the month, I love you! If there are things better than I love you to show my feelings to you, then... it would be... me being clingy! Such as, "peluk...", "jangan kemana-mana..", and pepper you with kithes! I love yoooooouuuuuuuuu, banget, banget, banget. Oh iya, ini, paperbag isinya: jajan sama kotak hehe you can't find one yang kayak gitu tau. Nggak dijual dimana-mana!!! Eksklusif dari aku, untuk kamu! Hadiah eksklusifnya masih ada sebenernya, probably soon, ya? That's all, I guess! I hope today will be the happiest day for us! Yay! Thank you for being my bestest adorable kind-hearted girlfriend! I am more than just glad to have you as mine! Nobody would get the same as I give to you, you're my special little pookie!!! Please remember that your existence really means a lot to me. Cheers to more happy and lovely days, weeks, months, and years of us, ya? I love you so much! Muah! 🩷

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