


Haiooo aze:D

meong pinterest wkwk

I didn't think we would be this long haha, you endured so much with me. How??did??you??do??that???😮

I'm a really bad person at writing romantic words so forgive me if this a little weird okay:))

Always, first of all i will say thank you. Thanks to you because you have survived with me all this time, you accept my good and bad all this time. You are a very patient person, patient with my attitude, everything I do you always support me, you always give me things that amaze me, which makes me always surprised with all the things you give, you always give me so much more , and I really appreciate that. and everything you give, whatever it is, means a lot to me and thank you so much.

You deserve to be surrounded by good people around you. all your traits are very different, you are different. You are really a woman who has a very sincere heart, very gentle, I know many girls out there like you too, but you are different, I swear if a man meets you, and knows you very deeply, he will like you, and I swear there are many men out there who want to have a girl like you. You are completely different from the girl I often meet, and I am very lucky to have you.

You are also a great woman, you are very great. Whatever you do with your hard work and whatever results you get is the best, and you've done great, always. Never regret what you did, make it a lesson for you to keep getting up and be enthusiastic about trying new things again. You still have a long time, use it well to achieve what you want, do it if you are really interested, do what you want to do and what you like, don't forget everything you do there is always a consequence, learn to be responsible, meanwhile good thing, do it. I always support you.

one more thing, you are a beautiful girl! so beautiful! don't be jealous of other girls who are more than you, because in my opinion you are very much more, you are beautiful from the outside and inside, you are beautiful in every way. You have a very good heart, I can't explain how good you are, how understanding you are, I find it very difficult to explain you, you mean so much.

One more again, i'll say i'm sorry.. sorry if I always make you hurt, sorry if I have a overchildish, sorry if I always make you feel sad, I never meant to make you sad, I'm sorry if I made you sad, hurt, and whatever it is. Pardon me:(

And last of all, happy mensive for 20th.

n: I was very upset before, because all my writings are gone, I've written very long :((( stupid internet, I swear I'm still very upset, because I know if I rewrite all the previous words it will be very different from the first, and I love my first post, and this is my third time writing :))) I beg you please don't disappoint (talking to this website) this afternoon I was really angry, I don't know but I'm annoyed, it seems I'm not allowed to write these words huhh. I swear I want to cry (lol). Sorry .. this note is not like a note.. i think i even curhat hahahaha

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