


hai! please remember, you're my go-to person every hour. for many people, the word friend in just a sequence of latter. for me, it is the source of happiness and strength because of you. may each an every moment of your special day be filled w the same jot and happiness you bring to other.

ejen T_T i'd like to appreciate you for being super kind to me. i'm glad i met you, i can think about other people but you, you still here staying with me and i'm really happy for that.

and ejen manisku, meong kecil, orang yang paling aku sayang setelah mama papa, makasih udah mau bertahan sampai sekarang. we're live in cruel world, all situations, people around, the way everything treat us, that's all never gonna be same as we expected. maybe it sounds just like a bullshit, but believe me, one day Allah will give you happiness at the best time He planned. let's through the black hole together. take a rest for a while. my angel meong, you deserve your happiness.

i won't ever promise all good things would happen forever for us. i won't ever promise to take care of you forever. but i promise you my happiness, my world only for about you only. i always want to be someone important for you, be someone who always cheer up no matter what. thank you for everything you give to me. i'll always love you, i really do :(

happiest mensive for us, i hope our destiny allow it, sayangku.

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