
ey! Happy our 1 mouth mensive, mungkin bukan 1mouth ya? 5 mouth?? aku sebenarnya lupa! banyak yang dilewatin selama ga sama kamu, masih ga nyangka kita masih bisa bertahan sampai sekarang, karena dilihat-lihat ternyata hubungannya cukup banyak halangan.. aku seneng soalnya kita ternyata bisa lewatin cobaan yang terjadi 9 bulan belakangan ini, jujur aja cukup buat binggung saat awal kita mulai saling chat lagi, kejadiannya ajaib banget jadinya agak sulit dicerna! aku minta maaf dulu aku sering mikir yang gak-gak soal kamu saat kamu ga ada ngabarin, kadang juga aku mikir aku yang egois soalnya gabisa ditinggal sama gabisa nunggu kamu yang lama :// dan akhirnya aku beneran gabisa nunggu kamu, terus jadi milih buat mundur aja

tapi setelah aku tau alasan kamu, perlahan aku paham keadaan kita masing-masing dari sana juga aku banyak belajar tentang saling percaya satu sama lain, belajar dari kesalahan lalu, dan akhirnya kita cari solusinya sama-sama hingga yang tadinya aku-kamu sekarang aku dan kamu menjadi "kita" lagi. aku harap kedepannya kita masih bisa saling percaya dan tetap berhubungan baik, dan saat ada masalah semoga kita bisa cari solusi bersama buat masalah yang kita hadapi. semoga kita bisa bareng yang lama, yang lebih lama dari sebelumnya.

last! I want you to remember something. know that no matter what comes our way, I will never stop loving you. you give me feelings that nobody has ever given me. feelings of the purest, most genuine happiness that anyone could ever have. we're supposed to be together. everything about us being together makes sense. we're my definition of perfect. you have the ability to make everything okay even if it's not. I could be anywhere in the world, but as long as I'm with you I know I'll be okay. I know I'll be safe. I know I'll be happy. I love you in ways I never knew were possible and I hope that never changes. i love you. i have loved you ever since i can remember. all i know is i wanna be with you forever. you should never feel alone, you still have me, and other people who love you too. If you are sad you have to share it with me, don't ever hesitate, I never mind reading and listening to your stories, so that you are not alone when you are sad and so that you know that you are not alone in this world, there are still people who care and love you. please, wherever you are, no matter how sick you are, I hope you never give up, okay? huh.. I don't think you understand how special you are. you might be so used to looking at yourself that you don't see it, but I do. but more than that, I see into you at who you are. this amazing person who I struggle to find the words to describe. you're all I've ever wanted. Jeri, I love you always. thank you for being born into this world, remember to take care of urself, bcs u are important person! andd we must continue to be together. u have to promise to always be with me for a long time.

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