13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why

Forgotten Cinderella p3

I'm on a roll aren't I.? 13 people who made me feel worthless. I feel like Hannah herself. Only my problems weren't as big as hers. They were just mine.

3. Hi Isahia this ones all about you. Honestly I don't know why I cared so much. You never did. You never thought for a second about my feelings. Just my body. You said you wanted to me and for a while that was enough for you but something changed. Did I change.? What did I do.? Isahia, just the memories kill me. I was sooo into you. Not because of your looks or charm or anything like that. I liked you because you were you. No matter what. No one was ever real to me. Not even myself. But I sure did learn something right.? I am not good enough. You and I both knew it. I wrote a song about you. I honestly don't know why. You don't deserve my words. You don't deserve my feelings. Yet I can never stay mad at you and it twists the knife in my back. Killing me in silence. Nothing is ever meant to be. That's a myth. A myth I'll never believe.

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