13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why

Forgotten Cinderella. P2

And I'm back. What a good why to start.? With someone who was never there but would contribute to my would be death, if I were killing myself which I am not. Anyway, on to the next who will have completely destroyed me on the inside.

2. Welcome to your post, Natalie Rosario. I know right why am I bringing up the past, but why not. I'm fake dead.? Natalie, we were best friends unstoppable. Told eachother everything and more. When we were friends, I thought this is the girl that I'd be friends with forever. However sadly that isn't the case if you have post. Back to the story. You and I practically did everything together, eat breakfast share snacks, tell secrets. Everything. I don't know what happened to us. What did happen.? Did we get boring.? Was it me.? I'll die never not knowing. Here's what killed me. We sat at the same back table, talked about a new thing everyday. You were my girl, my sister, the only person I could talk too. Until you decided you wanted to be cool. Fit in with everyone else. Make sure that you'd rise to the top. It worked, never saw through lies. You spilled my secrets so Ashley my middle school bully could use aganist me. Hacked my facebook page and wrote awful things about me and other people. I blamed myself and never could of seen you coming. Your disquise was genuis. The friend that tries to help me figure it out. Then you abandon me. I was alone with no one to talk to again. I was bullied, got into fights. But you never apologized and I forgot who I was. You just stood there and watch me fall apart. How could I ever fight you.? So I let you win and in doing so I changed. I stopped being the yes girl. I started living, breathing. I was no longer the scared stupid girl. I was the strong, sacastic bitch everyone made me out to be. And I turned into the bully. But be happy you got what you wanted. You wanted to kill me so many years back. Congradulations, on your first victim.

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