13 Hours Malayalam Movie Download

13 Hours Malayalam Movie Download


13 Hours Malayalam Movie Download


During an attack on a U.S. compound in Libya, a security team struggles to make sense out of the chaos.
Libya, 2012. At an unofficial CIA base in Benghazi a group of ex-military contractors are providing security. In the aftermath of Gaddafi's downfall a power vacuum exists and the climate is volatile. Military weapons are freely available. The US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, makes a visit to the area, staying in a compound near the CIA base. On the night of 11 September, 2012, the Ambassador's compound is attacked by hordes of heavily armed locals. The only forces willing and able to defend it are six CIA contractors.
13 Hours reminded me a little We Were Soldiers. This is a very literal war movie, a movie about exactly what you see on the screen and seldom anything deeper (like politics). What you see is survival, street-smarts, comradery and a lot of violence. This is no Saving Private Ryan, but it&#39;s not a movie of cheep thrills either. What it amounts to is an intelligent action movie. <br/><br/>With the exemption of a couple of shots, Michael Bay successfully rises above his pornographic tendencies to make a movie that is &#39;mostly&#39; unsexy, which is probably the highest compliment anyone can give him. Of course, he has a long way to go to become a good dramatist. The battle sequences are convincing and even immersing (despite the shaky cam), however there were times when it felt like less would have been more. <br/><br/>A little less violence and a little more introspective dialog would have certainly made 13 Hours more worthy of a two and a half hour running length. There are moments when you can see John Krasinski and James Badge Dale start to sparkle a bit as actors, but unfortunately the introspective scenes are too few to make characters out of any of these soldiers. <br/><br/>Most of the violence takes place at night, and Michael Bay opts for a rather surrealist style of lighting that resembles Dario Argento films. Every second bulb in the frame radiates green light. This is a gorgeously lit movie, perhaps even a little too much so. Michael Bay, being who he his, can help but prefer to show sunlight only in the more romantic golden hours of the day, at dusk and dawn. By contrast, in a film like Hurt Locker, the sun is white hot and blinding, and completely unromantic.<br/><br/>I won&#39;t deny that it is refreshing to see a Michael Bay movie where an explosion from a rocket impact is not something to dazzle with a fireball but something that is visibly destructive and very real. 13 Hours can be appreciated if you come at it from a right angle.
I am a retired Air Force vet. NO, I would never claim falsely to be &quot;one of those guys&quot; portrayed in the movie. But I&#39;ve met &quot;those guys&quot; I know some of what they have done and how they do it. I have nothing but respect for them.<br/><br/>First off, haters are going to hate, because the is a movie about an American Ambassador, being sent to a very dangerous area, and abandoned to die and it really rankles them, because there was no excuse and everyone in charge is lying and hiding.. So of course, those haters will deride the authors of the book as liars, even though they weren&#39;t on the ground, in the s#$t as they say and rattle on about all the investigations that supposedly led nowhere. I ask you, if you were in the loop and an Ambassador died, you would freely set yourself up for some serious jail time, voluntarily? Or a least lose your comfy safe desk job, sucking off the teat of the American taxpayer? <br/><br/>It&#39;s tense, right from the start, partially because we know the story. Bad stuff happening in a very bad place. Bay sets the tone almost immediately, showing how real men protect and save lives of people that don&#39;t respect them and maybe even hate them. It&#39;s their job and they do it to the best of their abilities.<br/><br/>You see also, though not much, that they are human, wives, kids, a desire to really be anywhere but where they are. And in a movie like this I wouldn&#39;t expect too much ancillary &quot;character development&quot;; that comes later, but not much.<br/><br/>That development comes in the portrayal of courage and willingness to stare at what seems to be overwhelming odds, protecting people who view you as being no more that &quot;drivers&quot;, or gophers for those &quot;Harvard and Yale grads&quot;. <br/><br/>Bay delivers on what he can do well, lots of action and explosions. Except, these are robot in disguise, or asteroids, or some other unbelievable scenario. This was a real fight, real guns, bullets, with real people dying. <br/><br/>Dialog? what would you expect, being under fire for 13 hours, long soliloquies about the meaning of life? Did you want a sex scene between a beard and the female lead? <br/><br/>What angered me most, was what was lacking, and this is what is true and none of the haters can deny it. No other American help, outside of the other contractors and Deltas from Tripoli. There wasn&#39;t even an American transport, to fly the remains of the fallen Americans when the dust settled. <br/><br/>And I can say this on absolute authority. Our government is flat out lying that no assets were ready, available or had the time to provide assistance. I speak specifically in reference to the F-16&#39;s whether they were in Aviano or Sig, or on an &quot;exercise&quot; in Turkey. I worked with F-15&#39;s in what was mostly a very low threat environment on Okinawa. Every night, before the squadrons would bed down after training all day, each one was MANDATED to have 2 each aircraft, fueled, locked and loaded for any real world scenario. AND one KC- 135 fueled, ready to fly for midair refueling purposes. On an exercise in Alaska, same thing. so again, our government is lying or they have decimated the services so badly, that they cannot provide any war assets fro any real time threats. Either way.... <br/><br/>Go see 13 hours. Go see real patriots.
Bay's overwrought tendencies simultaneously lead to the film's most compelling sequences of tense, bloody battle even as they forestall the more nuanced storytelling that would be crucial to truly unpacking the attacks. Bay may see the film as a cry of truth; muffled by his own predilections it's only a whisper.

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