13 Age Sex

13 Age Sex


Why Is the Age of Consent in Japan Only 13-Year-Old?
I was on Google Trends the other day seeing what was going on in the world and stumbled upon something weird happening in Japan. “The age of consent” was trending.
I wanted to find out why, but the answers weren’t easy to digest. The first article I read was a 2020 petition calling for Japan to raise the age of consent. More than 50,000 people signed it calling for Japan’s legal age of consent to be raised from 13 to 16.
‘The age of consent in Japan is 13 years old. The age of consent refers to the minimum age at which a person is considered to be capable of giving consent to sexual acts.’
‘Do you think a 13 year old teenager is capable of knowing the consequences of sexual activities and saying yes or no?’
The petition continues: ‘Japan has been getting warnings to raise the age from international society as it is very low compared to other countries, however, the age that was enacted over 100 years ago still remains the same.’
‘We demand the Ministry of Justice to raise age of consent. Please help us with the petition to protect teenage adolescence.’
In 1907, the Penal Code of Japan set a minimum age of consent of 13. Since then, Japan’s age of consent has not changed. In fact, it’s the third-lowest in the world.
The age of consent in the Philippines used to be 12, but following widespread outcry, a proposal was passed last year to raise the age of consent to 16.
Now, after I received a quick 101 in Japanese law, it’s more obvious that Japan’s age of consent is left intentionally ambiguous. Under the Juvenile Obscene Acts, passed in 1947, no one over the age of 14 can have sex with 13–14 year-olds. The minimum sentence for sex with any female under the age of 13 is five-years.
However, 13 and 14-year olds are permitted to give consent to each other. In short, the age of consent is so confusing in Japan that even this simplified chart begs many questions:
One top writer on Quora, who lived in Japan for several years, theorized that laws are kept deliberately ambiguous enough to allow those in power to get away with the confusing consent laws.
Either way, it’s baffling. Japan may have one of the lowest crime rates in the world, but some even attribute that to their cultural censorship of wide-spread sex crimes.
There is a common fetishization of young girls in Japan. JK (joshi kosei or “school girl”) services, which are like maid or hostess cafes but feature minors, are abundant and feed into this fantasy. While many of these JK businesses are non-sexual — others are.
Japan was also one of the last countries to officially ban the possession of child porn. And anyone who’s watched anime is familiar with “kawaii” or cute, another hypersexual fetishization of young girls.
“High school girls are really into this ‘kawaii’ culture so they had to be cute,” said Japanese activist Yayoi Matsunaga in an article titled ‘Sexual assault in Japan: ‘Every girl was a victim.’
50% of young Japanese women have been molested on a train, many being underage. And that’s only what’s been reported. One writer in an article titled Japan’s “Not-So-Secret Shame” reports that over 95% of incidents of sexual violence are not reported in Japan.
These sexual crimes go unreported for good, yet dogmatic reason. Discussing rape is perceived as “embarrassing” in Japan and public opinion often sways towards blaming the victim rather than the attacker.
As British author Douglas Murray recently pointed out in an interview with Jordan Peterson, every country has a dark secret they hide outside in their shed. The more you distance yourself from this shed, the better your country stands. And the closer you are to opening it, the higher the probability for evil and chaos.
America’s dark secret is out. We vehemently hate who we consider “the other,” whether you’re on the side of right or left politics. Japan’s dark secret, however, is being buried. As foreigners, we perceive that everything is great there. Their economy, culture, and food cannot be beaten.
Unfortunately, it enables this sinister issue of the sexualization of young girls to fall by the wayside.
While I’ve always been drawn to the country’s culture, food, and video games, I’ve always heard of this dark secret that seems tucked away in the shed.
While researching for this article, many of the stories I came upon gave me the impression that the cat was out of the bag; and that real change was going to happen in Japan now.
It didn’t. Things are still the same. Arguably worse as statutory rape cases have increased in recent years.
I think with the Japanese Olympics on the horizon it's time to highlight this issue. This is something that a viral petition and a few excellent writers couldn’t blow the lid off of, but a momentous push in time for the Olympics could. Reform needs to happen. Many young women need help.
Increased awareness and informing yourself about the issue is the first step. Supporting groups like Feminism in Japan — the group behind the petition — and Groping Prevention Activities Centre is the next.
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I am a 13-year-old guy and I want to have sex. Is it a good idea?
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 665 answers and 1.3M answer views
I don’t know if you identify as a female or a male, but it doesn’t really matter. You should keep it in your pants. Your sex drive is not ready for real air time in your life until:
I don’t know if you identify as a female or a male, but it doesn’t really matter. You should keep it in your pants. Your sex drive is not ready for real air time in your life until:
Sweetie, get a hobby, join a club, play an instrument. Enjoy being young because I promise you, you’ll wish you did later. You have a whole long adult life to stress yourself out about sex. Right now is not the time.
Masturbation is normal. Sex can wait.
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Angie Johnson, Bsn Nurses & Nurse Practitioner, Miami University (2013)
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 110 answers and 51.7K answer views
Every 13y/o wants to have sex. Every boy your age is masterbating 5 x a day, enjoy your new toy. Is it a good idea I don’t thing so but you aren’t going to listen to me. If and when you do ,make sure you bag it. If I was you I bring 3or 4 bag as you are only last 30 seconds to a 1 min.
I don't think ’good idea’ is the right way to describe it. If you want to have sex, by all means go for it. Make sure you have protections (don't want a baby or a std do you?) and lube. Also make sure there is no way for you to get caught.
Answered May 1, 2021 · Author has 335 answers and 95.5K answer views
Well, let see here….since condoms are not 100% effective against unwanted pregnacies, and you're 13 and don't have a job for income how are you gonna afford diapers, formula, daycare, child support ? Now, does having sex at 13 still sound like a good idea to you ???
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I'm 14 and have had sex already. Is that bad?
Nina Banks, Experienced Experiencer (2005-present)
Answered June 10, 2021 · Author has 86 answers and 10.9K answer views
It's a natural feeling its like saying how do i stop feeling hungry. You eat, or ig in the other case jerk off or go to sleep
Michael White, Teen Mentor/Life Coach
Answered July 6, 2021 · Author has 387 answers and 46.5K answer views
Well, as a teenager, your body is producing mass amounts of testosterone, which is helping your body to develop sexually. One if the side effects of this is feeling horny. A lot. You can either try to distract yourself by engaging in other activities when it happens, or you can masturbate. How often you masturbate is entirely up to you. You can't do it too much or too little. Welcome to adolescence. Let me know if you have any more questions. My DMs are always open.
David Phinney, studied at Loma Linda University
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 3.6K answers and 1.4M answer views
Wait until you’re 18. The risks involved with having sex now are way too high. If you get a girl pregnant (all means of protection have a failure rate) it will change your life in a VERY BAD way!!
Answered June 10, 2021 · Author has 7.7K answers and 917.7K answer views
this is normal. we all feel like this from time to time. you will just have to pleasure yourself.
Answered June 10, 2021 · Author has 1.4K answers and 284.8K answer views
Jack off :) It’s normal, natural, and not a bad thing at all. Just remember to do things other than jack off as well, or it can take up a lot of your time. :)
Nathan Beard, used to be a teenager
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 4K answers and 11.9M answer views
I'm 13 and my girlfriend is 12, she said she wants to have sex with me what should I do?
I'm 13 and my girlfriend is 12, she said she wants to have sex with me what should I do?
So far, there are a couple of answers, each saying the opposite thing, and yet they are both right.
I myself am in no position to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. For one thing, I’m just a stranger on the internet.
And for another, I was 12 1/2 and my girlfriend was 13 when we “did it.” O
I'm 13 and my girlfriend is 12, she said she wants to have sex with me what should I do?
So far, there are a couple of answers, each saying the opposite thing, and yet they are both right.
I myself am in no position to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. For one thing, I’m just a stranger on the internet.
And for another, I was 12 1/2 and my girlfriend was 13 when we “did it.” Our respective parents would have killed us if they ever found out. And we were just very lucky that she didn’t get pregnant, because we were clueless about taking precautions.
The basic rule is, you shouldn’t have to feel pressured into sex if you don’t want to. Consent is one of the most important things when it comes into engaging in sexual activities.
And you definitely should not have sex with adults. Don’t ever let an adult try to make you have sex, and you should immediately tell your parents, or someone in authority that you trust if an adult tries to have sex with you.
The other most important thing is to remember to wear a condom if you do decide to engage with your girlfriend. Don’t be stupid about it.
There should hopefully be some resources where you live which will help you learn how to make informed decisions. But here are a couple of good places to start which can be much more helpful than random people on Quora.
Andi Alexander, Associate Pranic Healer specializing in affective and personality disorders.
Answered June 6, 2021 · Author has 30.1K answers and 19.4M answer views
Should I let my 13 year old daughter date a 27 year old guy?
When I was 13 my boyfriend was 28. I actually ran away from home because my stupid parents wouldn’t let me date him. I was just a really mature 13 year old, so what was wrong with it? Right? Right? That’s what I thought at 13. My parents called the police who found me and brought me home, where I continued to suffer until I was 16 and could move out for real.
fast forward to when I was 28. I was married to my second husband, and my son was 10. I realized I was the same age as that man I had dated all those years ago. Our relationship lasted about six months at the time, BTW.
When I was 13 my boyfriend was 28. I actually ran away from home because my stupid parents wouldn’t let me date him. I was just a really mature 13 year old, so what was wrong with it? Right? Right? That’s what I thought at 13. My parents called the police who found me and brought me home, where I continued to suffer until I was 16 and could move out for real.
fast forward to when I was 28. I was married to my second husband, and my son was 10. I realized I was the same age as that man I had dated all those years ago. Our relationship lasted about six months at the time, BTW.
I looked at 13 year olds then, and I saw CHILDREN. At that point I realized that man had been a predator. He was probably planning to get me pregnant then pimp me. I’m sure now that that’s what his plan had been. And I just wanted to be loved and treated like an adult.
DO NOT let your daughter “date” that man. Spend lots of time and effort making her feel loved, important and supported, and happy about her own life and future.
maybe don’t expect her to date boys her own age (they’re idiots no one wants to date) but neither allow her to become a victim of child molesters.
family, friends, purpose, that’s what she needs now. She’ll find the right relationship in her own time. Took me til 42! Might have been easier if I had had supportive, loving parents. But oh well. We all just do our best.
Snow Murdock, Occasional Multiverse Conquerer
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 699 answers and 876.7K answer views
I’m a 13 year old girl (almost 14), and I want to have sex. Is it normal to want to have sex?
Acting upon the want is altogether a different hat.
Your body is still maturing. Sex is likely not going to fun, physically, for you. There’s also the little matter of you being underage and unable to legally consent to sex- meaning anyone you have sex with, is going to end up legally branded a sex offender for the rest of their life- and yes, they will. You’re just barely a teenager. You would not be able to keep this a secret forever.
There is also so much you don’t know. And I don’t care what you’ve been told, what you’ve read, what you’ve watched online. (Note-
Acting upon the want is altogether a different hat.
Your body is still maturing. Sex is likely not going to fun, physically, for you. There’s also the little matter of you being underage and unable to legally consent to sex- meaning anyone you have sex with, is going to end up legally branded a sex offender for the rest of their life- and yes, they will. You’re just barely a teenager. You would not be able to keep this a secret forever.
There is also so much you don’t know. And I don’t care what you’ve been told, what you’ve read, what you’ve watched online. (Note- porn is never an example to turn to for learning about sex. Ever.) There’s too much you don’t understand, and that’s fine- you’re a kid, a brand new teenager. It’s hard to understand a lot of shit when you’re young. Plus, you know something? You do too much stupid shit, when you’re really young. It’s a fact, not an insult. I was stupid at your age. My parents were stupid. My friends were stupid, their parents were stupid, our parent’s parents were stupid, everyone who’s ever lived long to reach that age in good health has been stupid. Because youth equals rashness. It’s a universal thing.
Don’t be impatient. It’s not exactly a huge thing, sex. And it won’t be, later- if you make it so important, though, that’s a bad thing; if sex matters more than things that honestly carry far more weight, than you have a huge problem weighing your priorities. You’ve got time. Learn- properly. Grow a little more. Explore. Understand first the weight and comsequences that sex has. Look at your options. Make plans. Safeties. Be thoughtful and rational, please. And remember too, that sex changes things, but not at all in the ways people your age and slightly older seem to think.
Understand that sex will not “make you a woman.” It will do nothing at all to make you more adult. You will simply no longer be a virgin. That’s it. And virginity- or the lack thereof- has nothing to do with maturity.
I'm a 13 year old girl, and I think about sex all the time it's hard to get it off my mind I know it's because of puberty, but how do I make it stop?
I must begin by saying that if you have been sexually abused please speak with a parent or other trusted adult. Very young teen and pre-teen girls who think often about sex are typically sexually active and below the age of consent. If this describes you, please seek help.
On the other hand, if you are developing natural sexual feelings just continue with whatever you were doing when the thoughts interfered. Just return to your mind to your school work or sports or movie. You might want to be careful about your choice of movies because many contain sexual images which will increase your focus o
I must begin by saying that if you have been sexually abused please speak with a parent or other trusted adult. Very young teen and pre-teen girls who think often about sex are typically sexually active and below the age of consent
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