1279-B The right people have the information. GOOD people are acting on the information. [R]

1279-B The right people have the information. GOOD people are acting on the information. [R]

Dick Tripover

In order to define AI, we must first define the concept of intelligence in general. A paraphrased definition based on Wikipedia is:

Intelligence can be generally described as the ability to perceive information, and retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an environment or context.

While there are many different definitions of intelligence, they all essentially involve learning, understanding, and the application of the knowledge learned to achieve one or more goals.

It’s therefore a natural extension to say that AI can be described as intelligence exhibited by machines. So what does that mean exactly, when is it useful, and how does it work?

A familiar instance of an AI solution includes IBM’s Watson, which was made famous by beating the two greatest Jeopardy champions in history, and is now being used as a question answering computing system for commercial applications. Apple’s Siri andAmazon’s Alexa are similar examples as well.



Machine Learning: Automate Remote Sensing Analytics to Gain a Competitive Advantage | Webinar

Wondering how you can use machine learning, and more specifically deep learning technologies, to get a jump on the competition? This webinar will provide a brief, high-level overview of machine learning and its applications before delving into Harris’ five year head start developing deep learning technologies that are being deployed today. Harris has applied deep learning algorithms to solve remote sensing problems like target detection, feature extraction, and classification challenges. This technology can be deployed in a desktop or enterprise-level environment, and can be put to work today to help solve your most complex problems.


The importance of deep learning in managing large volumes of sensor data

Successful pilot programs for:

- Automatic Target Detection

- Object Detection on 3D data (LiDAR point clouds)

- Using synthetic data to train artificial neural networks

A real-world implementation where deep learning was used to automatically gain activity-based intelligence from satellite imagery of an airport.

CHRS Mission Statement

Building Global Capacity for Forecast and Mitigation of Hydrologic Disasters through the development of means to extend the benefits of space and weather agencies' vast technological resources, which are untapped, into applications that can assist hydrologists and water resource managers worldwide and through equitable access to relevant information


Improve hydrologic prediction through development and refinement of hydrologic models and use of advanced observations, particularly from remote sensing sources

Develop mathematical algorithms capable of estimating precipitation both from space-based and in-situ observations at spatial and temporal resolutions relevant to hydrologic applications, particularly in the semi arid environments

Develop decision support tools for generating and evaluating a variety of hydro-meteorologic and hydro-climatologic information required by the water resources management community

Contribute to the education of well trained hydrologists and water resources engineers responsive to the growing needs of public and private sectors at the state, national and international levels.

CHRS will pursue its mission through interdisciplinary research and education involving faculty and students from Engineering, Physical Sciences, and Social Ecology as well as cooperation with a number of other universities and national laboratories.

Adam Erickson


Researcher/Forscher. Co-founder @Wingcopter & @UBCUAS #uas #remotesensing #deeplearning #hybridmodeling #biosphereoptimization

Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks

October 15-16, 2018 Helsinki, Finland

Theme: Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence

Organizing Committee Submit Abstract Register Now Program Schedule Reader Base Market Analysis

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Quantum neural networks (QNNs) are neural network models which are based on the principles of quantum mechanics. There are two different approaches to QNN research, one exploiting quantum information processing to improve existing neural network models (sometimes also vice versa), and the other one searching for potential quantum effects in the brain.

Artificial quantum neural networks

In the computational approach to quantum neural network research,[1][2] scientists try to combine artificial neural network models (which are widely used in machine learning for the important task of pattern classification) with the advantages of quantum information in order to develop more efficient algorithms (for a review, see [3]). One important motivation for these investigations is the difficulty to train classical neural networks, especially in big data applications. The hope is that features of quantum computing such as quantum parallelism or the effects of interference and entanglement can be used as resources. Since the technological implementation of a quantum computer is still in a premature stage, such quantum neural network models are mostly theoretical proposals that await their full implementation in physical experiments.

Quantum neural network research is still in its infancy, and a conglomeration of proposals and ideas of varying scope and mathematical rigor have been put forward. Most of them are based on the idea of replacing classical binary or McCulloch-Pitts neurons with a qubit (which can be called a “quron”), resulting in neural units that can be in a superposition of the state ‘firing’ and ‘resting’.

Quantum Deep Learning

Nathan Wiebe, Ashish Kapoor, Krysta M. Svore

(Submitted on 10 Dec 2014 (v1), last revised 22 May 2015 (this version, v2))

In recent years, deep learning has had a profound impact on machine learning and artificial intelligence. At the same time, algorithms for quantum computers have been shown to efficiently solve some problems that are intractable on conventional, classical computers. We show that quantum computing not only reduces the time required to train a deep restricted Boltzmann machine, but also provides a richer and more comprehensive framework for deep learning than classical computing and leads to significant improvements in the optimization of the underlying objective function. Our quantum methods also permit efficient training of full Boltzmann machines and multi-layer, fully connected models and do not have well known classical counterparts.


34 pages, many figures


Quantum Physics (quant-ph); Learning (cs.LG); Neural and Evolutionary Computing (cs.NE)

Cite as:

arXiv:1412.3489 [quant-ph]

(or arXiv:1412.3489v2 [quant-ph] for this version)

Submission history

From: Nathan Wiebe [view email]

[v1] Wed, 10 Dec 2014 23:05:16 GMT (411kb,D)

[v2] Fri, 22 May 2015 00:20:28 GMT (192kb,D)

RSCy2018 - Published by SPIE

ʽSixth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environmentʼ 26-29 March, 2018 - Cyprus

Due to additional requests, the abstract submission date is extended until 10 February, 2018, which is the final submission date. The review process has already begun and the notification date for author acceptance of their abstract remains the same (15 February, 2018).

The Organizing Committee of the ‘Sixth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment’ invite you to join us in Cyprus on March 26-29, 2018 to network with leading experts in the field of Remote Sensing and Geo-information. The conference will take place at the Aliathon Holiday Village in Paphos, Cyprus.

The Technical Program is open to all topics in Remote Sensing and Geo-information of Environment and related techniques and applications.

We look forward to seeing you in Paphos, the European Capital of Culture 2017!!!

The Organizing Committee of the RSCy2018

Workshops include:

Copernicus Information and Training Session

Remote sensing and Earth observation applications (organized with EXCELSIOR)

Information Extraction from Laser Scanning Data Workshop (organized with the ISPRS WG III/5)

Earth Observation for the Coastal and Marine Environment (organized with SEO-DWARF)

ATHENA Workshop on Geo information systems (GIS)

The parts of speech disambiguation in corpora is most challenging area in Natural Language Processing. However, some works have been done in the past to overcome the problem of bilingual corpora disambiguation forHindi using Hidden Markov Model and Neural Network. In this paper, Quantum Neural Network (QNN) forHindi parts of speech tagger has been used.To analyze the effectiveness of the proposed approach, 2600 sentences of news items having 11500 words from various newspapers have been evaluated. During simulations and evaluation, the accuracy upto 99.13% is achieved, which is significantly better in comparison with other existing approaches for Hindi parts of speech tagging.

November 22, 2017

The U.S. and China are leading the race toward productive quantum computing, but it’s early enough that ultimate leadership is still something of an open question. The latest geo-region to throw its hat in the quantum computing ring is Japan. The nation will begin offering public access to a prototype quantum device over the internet for free starting Nov. 27 at https://qnncloud.com.

As reported by Japanese news outlets this week, Tokyo-based NTT along with the National Institute of Informatics and the University of Tokyo are working on a quantum computing device that exploits the properties of light. Backed with state investment, the quantum neural network (QNN) prototype is reported to be capable of prolonged operation at room temperature. The system consists of a 1km long optical fiber loop, a special optical amplifier called a PSA, and an FPGA. (See video below for a detailed explanation of how it all works.)


Singalong time. Everyone join in!


Plain White T's Mon 12 Feb 2018 20:16:51 No.20332034 Report

Quoted By: >>20332065 >>20333404

Hey there Delilah What's it like in New York City? I'm a thousand miles away But girl, tonight you look so pretty Yes you do

Also, to blame for the bedroom debacle of 2008. Mind control making people get divorced. This is the real deal.

So who wants to be my lawyer? This is the evidence.

Don't say I didn't warn you. Reality. Honey.

Read the thread and put A to B

Apples and Oranges.

Mind control. from Dr Obama's lab.

The son-o-bish took Criminals with more abilities than normal in terms of Psychic ability, Experimented on them, tore up their life, and made them what you now call the "Forgotten" or "Degenerates".



The use of music as an aid to programming, which forms a significant

aspect of the operation experienced first hand by "Mr. Coffee" and

described in his account reprinted directly following this section, has

been consistently commented on by certain researchers, including Preston

Nichols. Music provides access to the deeper, subconscious, emotional,

nonlinear/logical portions of the psyche. As shown so clearly by

"psychedelic" pioneers Tim Leary and Richard Alpert in their

government-sponsored LSD research (some which occurred at Montauk

AFS)--"set and setting" are crucial in determining the impact and

outcome of an LSD trip...and a mind programming operation. Music, as an

especially emotional art form, could be utilized very effectively

(albeit diabolically!) to assist in amplifying, intensifying and

boosting the impact of certain programming operations and experiences.

Brain Manipulation From a Distance

Last year, in October, the congresman Denis J. Kucinich introduced in the American Congress a bill, obliging the American president to get engaged in the negotiations aimed at the ban of space based weapons. In this bill the definition of a weapon system includes: any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populationsor the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations" (12). As in all legislative acts quoted in this article the bill counts with sound, light or electromagnetic stimulation of human brain. Psychotronic weapons remain, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of science fiction, since so far none of the published scientific experiments was presented in the way which would allow for its replication.

Nailed It!

That it is feasible to manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either sound or visual, messages is now generally known. This is why in most of the countries the use of such technologies, without consent of the user, is banned. Devices using light for the stimulation of the brain show another way how the light flashing in certain frequencies could be used for the manipulation of human psychic life. As for the sound, a report on the device transmitting a beam of sound waves, which can hear only persons at whom the beam of sound waves is targeted, appeared last year in the world newspapers. The beam is formed by a combination of sound and ultrasound waves which causes that a person targeted by this beam hears the sound inside of his head. Such a perception could easily convince the human being that it is mentally ill. The acts presented in this article suggest that with the development of technology and knowledge of the functioning of human brain new ways of manipulation of human mind keep emerging. One of them seems to be the electromagnetic energy.

Anonymous Mon 12 Feb 2018 22:49:03 No.20332771 Report

Quoted By: >>20332785

The research team showed that music engages the areas of the brain involved with paying attention, making predictions and updating the event in memory. Peak brain activity occurred during a short period of silence between musical movements - when seemingly nothing was happening.

Beyond understanding the process of listening to music, their work has far-reaching implications for how human brains sort out events in general.

The researchers caught glimpses of the brain in action using functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, which gives a dynamic image showing which parts of the brain are working during a given activity. The goal of the study was to look at how the brain sorts out events, but the research also revealed that musical techniques used by composers 200 years ago help the brain organize incoming information.

"In a concert setting, for example, different individuals listen to a

piece of music with wandering attention, but at the transition point

between movements, their attention is arrested," said the paper's senior

author Vinod Menon, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry and

behavioral sciences and of neurosciences.

"I'm not sure if the baroque composers would have thought of it in this

way, but certainly from a modern neuroscience perspective, our study

shows that this is a moment when individual brains respond in a tightly

synchronized manner," Menon said.

The team used music to help study the brain's attempt to make sense of

the continual flow of information the real world generates, a process

called event segmentation. The brain partitions information into

meaningful chunks by extracting information about beginnings, endings

and the boundaries between events.

There are so many who misunderstand and call this schizophrenic babble.

Hard to tell shills form ignorance from mental illness from childhood innocence.

To anyone who actually understands, just let it be known you aren't the only one working on this.

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