@bibi web

  • how do you perform acupressure?

    Accupressure is beautifully intuitive. It is based on finding certain pressure points and activating them. In this blog post, you will hear me say “Spleen 8” or “Small Intestine 4”—these are just the way acupressure points are named. Once I name the spot, you will find that pressure point on your body and use your thumbs/fingers to massage the area and hold firm but comfortable pressure. I like to make small circles and gently massage the area while locating my pressure points. (You can also rub skin over the area briskly, tap the area, etc. It’s very intuitive! Do what feels right!) After applying pressure for anywhere from 3 deep breaths to 90 seconds, you might feel tenderness beginning to subside. Repeat as necessary. 1–3 cycles is usually

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