0:00(quiet, simple instrumental music starts playing)

0:11And here we are playing with some water, and glowy ink.

0:15Which we're gonna use to draw with

0:17in a moment.

0:21Each drop of glow-y ink

0:23upon hitting the water

0:24and diffusing makes the jar a little bit brighter


0:29if it's barely noticeable.

0:33Maybe, maybe looking at things and getting little

0:37drops of inspiration works the same way

0:42I dont know, maybe, maybe,

0:44my brain jar will get

0:45so bright one day

0:46that it'll just



0:49or none of the drops will make a difference anymore.

0:52Who knows? I don't know how it works.

0:53I havent tried adding that many drops yet.

1:00The real question is how to

1:02get those drops of inspiration

1:04from... the world... from reality.

1:07Some people wonder about, how to get

1:10milk from almonds.

1:11That's another good question.

1:13It turns out they soak them and blend them

1:15and strain them,

1:17and probably add some sort of sweetener

1:19they probably add milk. But anyways...

1:22Reality is out there and we somehow have to soak it

1:25and blend it and strain it and,

1:28sweeten it up with some milk somehow

1:30and squeeze out every. last. drop. of inspiration

1:34and drippely drop it into our brain jars

1:38and brighten it all up so that we can...

1:41put it out onto the paper, whatever your paper happens to be

1:44Maybe your paper is some poetry you're writing

1:48Or just, maybe just the way you interact with each other.

1:51I don't know. I kinda waxing a little eloquent here. I didn't want to do that.

1:54I just want to draw a picture. OK.

1:56OK, let's just draw a picture.

1:58Let's do it.

1:59I had the lights off. I had all the lights off.

2:02I just have a glass pen here.

2:04Ok, I have a glass pen.

2:06Um... What's this ink called? It is called...



2:14Does it even say?

2:16It does say: The Blue Ghost

2:18Noodler's Ink.

2:19So this ink is actually intended for

2:22fountain pens

2:23but it worked well with this... glass pen I bought.

2:26Actually I was not... I did not buy it. It was given to me.

2:29It was in a previous glass pen video.

2:32And... it works well with glass pens.

2:34I'll, put links to stuff in the description. Look...

2:37It's fun to combine different art supplies. Stuff that necessarily wasn't meant for each other

2:42can work fantastically.

2:44Like that one time I used a banana, in ink.

2:46OK, maybe one of those things was not an art supply.

2:51You know...


2:52Ya know.

2:53Whoever intended... Whoever invented ink

2:56and bananas did not intend for them to be TOGETHER.


3:01ink... just tastes... so dang good.

3:04But look. This drawing was great.

3:06I had to be very careful not to get any

3:08of the glowy ink on my fingers

3:10'cause I was touching the paper a lot with my left hand

3:14and I knew that very easily I could start smudging, and any smudging

3:18would be so...

3:20painfully... apparent.

3:22Usually I'm fine with some smudging

3:24but this time I wanted to keep it as crisp and clean as I could

3:27And, you know, so all the lines would seem

3:30uh, the lines I DID put down would seem

3:32you know, as sharp and bright and glowy as possible.

3:35And I think it turned out pretty well.

3:37This ink doesn't smear very well if you don't touch it when it's wet.

3:41And, this...

3:42interestingly enough, when you have the black light shining on it

3:46it's actually a completely different color when it's wet.

3:49It's like a little bit...

3:51It's like a brighter... blue. And then it...

3:54as it dries it turns down into, like a


3:58less bright blue.

3:59That's just common sense.

4:01but, um...

4:03Am I saying "but, um" a lot?

4:05but, um


4:07And then I... This is a Paperblanks notebook I'm drawing in

4:09I bought it at some corner store, somwhere. Chicago I think.

4:13But they're available on the internet somewhere.

4:15They're kind of expensive, but they're fun mostly because they have really ornate covers.

4:19Uh, you know that can be inspiring. Right now. That can inspire you to greatness.

4:23Just an ornate cover.

4:24Sometimes, on the other hand, though

4:26I like a really plain cover.

4:29Because, then, I'm like

4:30Nobody knows...

4:32You know, really just a plain black, or plain white cover.

4:35Like nothing... Like there's no..

4:37kind of like, hidden waters... Isn't there a saying like something... "hidden..."?

4:42still waters?

4:43Anyways! You just like don't know what's on the inside until you open it up

4:46and it all jumps out at you, blowing your face off!

4:49These incredible drawings, and doodles, and

4:52whatever you put in your sketchbooks



4:55There's art inside!


4:57And you couldn't tell,

4:59it's totally nondescript on the outside


5:01you know, like, what if someone was, like, holding it up, like...

5:04You know, you hold up a

5:05a plain black notebook

5:07nobody looks twice at it

5:09and you just say

5:10Wait 'till I show you what's in HERE.

5:12You hold up one of these Paperblank notebooks, with the super ornate cover

5:16people will expect a LOT.

5:19People will expect a lot,

5:20out of a sketchbook like that.

5:21So you gotta be careful. Ya know, there're two ways to approach it.

5:24Anyways, this one

5:25ahh, has an awesome cover.

5:27Uh, ya know...

5:28And, uh, this... You know, do whatever you want.

5:31You can also buy a plain one

5:32and draw

5:33on the outside.

5:34So, maybe that's the third... you know, door number three.

5:37Go for it! Do whatever you want.

5:39But I had fun with this.

5:41There's a lot of different... glowy inks out there, by the way.

5:45Some of them are meant for different purposes.

5:48I've used glowy ink

5:49that was intended as printing ink.

5:51I'm not sure what that meant.

5:52But that's what it was advertised as.

5:54I'm not sure if you were supposed to put it in a printer

5:56but that seemed to work fine for me. I used it with brushes... and...

6:00I would paint my fingernails, and it would only show up in black light, and it'd look pretty awesome.

6:05and I got it on my skin a lot, and then I found out...

6:09on the bottle it said...


6:12It said "Never EVER get it on your skin"

6:15"or your eyes"


6:17It had all these crazy warnings

6:19But I'm like, probably that's just worse case scenario...

6:22There's probably like .01% of the population that's allergic to printer ink or something.

6:26I probably don't need to worry about it, right?

6:28What are the chances?

6:30But anyways, there's never anything.. bad things that happened.

6:32You know, if you're wondering.

6:34Um, everything was OK.

6:36Except I probably forgot to wash it off that night

6:38and then I probably got it all over my pillow

6:41and I didn't know it 'cause it was invisible



6:44With great super powers... come great messes.

6:48That's what I've found out.

6:50Anyways! So get out there

6:52get those almonds of life

6:54make that


6:56almond milk

6:57You know, however you have to go about it

7:00squeeze hard

7:01Get the Blendtec blender, you know...

7:04Will it blend? Life... It'll blend... Oh it will!

7:07You might have to set it on "puree".

7:09uhh, but you can get it.

7:11Even the most simple

7:13Simple things that might seem the hardest, the toughest...


7:17maybe they just need to soak for a while

7:19That's the first step in making almond milk.

7:21Just let it soak for a while.

7:23Over night, or up to two days.


7:25No rush.

7:27let it sit

7:28let it simmer

7:29let it marinate

7:31It's gonna be OK. Alright!

7:33Uhh, y'all take it easy.



7:37*whispers* Goodbye.



7:42I feel, hhh...

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