1. Reason to participe in crowdloan Kintsugi.


Its fully decentralized Bitcoin in Kusama. Anyone can run a Vault.

#kintsugiBTC #kintsugiRu #InterlayRu

#kintsugi2Kusama #K2K @kintsugi_btc


2. Security

Decentralization, implies somehow the risk of hacking the protocol, but in this case, the vault secured by Insurance and if protocol it will be compromised you will get your BTC back or be reimbursed

3. You can earn interest

Earn on your Bitcoin. Use interBTC as collateral, for lending, yield farming. There are already partnerships with Karura/Acala, the main DEFI hub in Kusama/Acala.

4. Team

The project is made by a strong team that was created by early natives of DEFI.

Such as Alexei Zamyatin @alexeiZamyatin and Dominik Harz @dominik0_

5. Parachaine
If you want to support an important DEFI element in the kusama network, you can contribute your kusama in favor of Kintsugi parachaine which will be returned to you in 48 weeks, but you will still have the project tokens. You can follow the instructions below

6. Contribute Kusama

With the referral code below, you can get 5% more token KINT

  1. Click on the following link: 

https://kintsugi.interlay.io?referral=0x8d1025bfd6b426b9f9f3cb948d5e588b3d353ae1c9686179a6d4f41135207dc9 you will land on the Official DApp 

  2. Connect Polkadot js extension 

  3. Select your Kusama address 

  4. Insert amount of KSM you want to contribute 

  5. Confirm and sign the transaction

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