My last project was calles Mealshare and was very intersting, but due to the NDA I can`t tell much about its inner functionality, but in a few words - it is mobile app which also got admin part which helps people to distribute own unused goods.

One of the goals to master mobile development. There are number of frameworks and even languages which would be useful to achieve these goals, like SWIFT for example, but, as for me, React Native is closer. At least beacause react native uses javascript (and have some experience with it) and has some similarity with ReactJS (like props, state, components).

My first steps with IT started from C#. But I realised that it is hard to jump into such OOP and strong typed language when you didnt know some basis like simple HTML/CSS and JavaScript. After that I heard about ReactJS and began to delve into it. Front end development was very interesting, but I started to think about back part. I became interested in backend. Again. But instead of going back to C# I started to read about NodeJs and then, finally, came to Golang.

Golang pros and cons.

Strongly typed. Extremely typed, rather.

Can be fully compiled and statically linked with all libraries into a single standalone executable binary

Excellent concurrency patterns

there is automatic deadlock detection (a panic is issued.) Your application can be built using a race-condition detector,

Garbage collected. When all references to an object have gone out of scope, the memory that was allocated for it is marked for GC and the OS is free to reclaim it

There are a ton of programmers who have created production-worthy packages on top of the standard Go packages available on GitHub. E.g. drivers for MongoDB, Redis, MySQL, to name a few

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