Let yourself FOMO

Let yourself FOMO

You can afford FOMO with Put option! 

Insure your risks against a dump. 

  • You were holding YFI up to 3,000$ and then sold them out of fear of a dump, since there is no such thing as perpetual growth? 
  • You wanted to buy it back, but you were too afraid? 
  • Or found out about the story too late and decided that it wasn't your thing because it was too expensive?

You should buy insurance against the dump - Put option.

You`ll have the RIGHT to sell at the price YOU want within a certain period of time. 

In the example above, you buy insurance – the right to sell YFI at 3000$ within a week, even if the price dropped, f.e. to 2000$. And farm further freely or buy in without a trace of fear.  

As well as letting yourself FOMO, you also made some money by activating the insurance!


We are sure that this story touched many of you, but this is only one of many examples that investors and farmers face very often. So, we invite you to take part in a mini-competition, during which you can tell us your story about your fails and their possible solutions using options and get a chance to win $100 in tokens of the project which you are talking about (or USDT – at your choice). 

How to participate? 

Step 1. Subscribe to all delta.theta social networks - TelegramNews, TelegramEN, Twitter - so you won`t miss the start of the contest. 

Step 2. Get ready. During a week, we will publish three use cases, each of them revealing new opportunities that options offers to farmers in the DeFi environment. 

Step 3. Read the article and write your story, offering your best solution for options use. You should write your story in our telegram chat (in a message or you can share a link to the content you created). 

Step 4. Repost every delta.theta contest post on Twitter - mention the delta.theta account in the quote, mention the hashtags #deltatheta #deltathetacontest and attach a link to your post from the deltatheta telegram chat in which you shared your experience (or article). 

Done! you're a contestant, all that's left is to fill out the google form.

Looking forward to hear your stories!

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