SELECT coalesce("sbis"."sum", 0) as "unaccepted_sbis_sum", odz_sum - coalesce("sbis"."sum", 0) as odz_sum_accepted, *
FROM (SELECT t.company_id,
             t.name_short                                                                      as company_name,
             t.inn                                                                             as company_inn,
             t.lastname                                                                        as lastname,
             t.firstname                                                                       as firstname,
             t.patronymic                                                                      as patronymic,
             max(payment_last_date)                                                            as payment_last_date,
             round(avg(t.payment_day_diff))                                                    as sum_payment_day_diff,
             avg(payment_term)                                                                 as avg_payment_term,
             sum(invoice_sum)                                                                  as all_invoice_sum,
             sum(paidsum_by_invoice)                                                           as paidsum_by_invoice,
             sum(odz_sum)                                                                      as odz_sum,
             avg(coalesce(summdt62, 0))                                                        as summdt62,
             sum(tech_dz_sum)                                                                  as tech_dz_sum,

             sum(coalesce("t"."pdz0_15", 0) + coalesce("t"."pdz16_30", 0) + coalesce("t"."pdz31_60", 0) +
                 coalesce("t"."pdz61_180", 0) + coalesce("t"."pzdc181", 0))                    as pdz,
             case when max(pay.payment_period) is null then 0 else max(pay.payment_period) end as payment_period
      FROM (SELECT "dbz".*,
                   (extract(epoch from (dbz.payment_date - dbz.invoice_date))) / 86400 as payment_day_diff,
            FROM "dbz"."dbz" "dbz"
                     LEFT JOIN "nsi"."organizations" "organization" ON "dbz"."organization_id" = "organization"."id"
                     LEFT JOIN "nsi"."organizations" "company" ON "dbz"."company_id" = "company"."id"
                     LEFT JOIN "user" "f3pro_user" ON "company"."manager_f3pro_id" = "f3pro_user"."id"
            WHERE "dbz"."organization_id" IN (SELECT "id"
                                              FROM "nsi"."organizations"
                                              WHERE ("parent_id" IN (SELECT "uo"."organization_id"
                                                                     FROM "user_organization" "uo"
                                                                              LEFT JOIN "nsi"."organizations" "no" ON no.id = uo.organization_id
                                                                     WHERE (("user_id" = 140) OR ("user_id" IN
                                                                                                  (SELECT DISTINCT "uo"."user_id"
                                                                                                   FROM "user_organization" "uo"
                                                                                                            LEFT JOIN "public"."user" "u" ON uo.user_id = u.id
                                                                                                   WHERE "u"."supervisor" IN
                                                                                                         (4509, 2014, 872, 4300, 140, 4514, 154, 1457, 197, 932, 178, 1714))))
                                                                       AND ("type_org" = 20)))
                                                AND ("type_org" = 30))) "t"
               LEFT JOIN "dbz".payment_period_invoice "pay"
                         on "pay"."invoice_num" = "t"."invoice_num" and "pay"."invoice_date" = "t"."invoice_date"
      GROUP BY "t"."company_id", "t"."manager_f3pro_id", "t"."name_short", "t"."inn", "t"."lastname", "t"."firstname",
               "t"."patronymic") "t"
         LEFT JOIN (SELECT "contractor_name", sum(sum)
                    FROM (SELECT *
                          FROM (SELECT case
                                           when sbis_status_code <> '' then case
                                                                                when sbis_status_code::integer in (3, 4, 7, 9, 10)
                                                                                    then true
                                                                                else false end
                                           else false end                                                       as check_pra,
                                           when sbis_status_code <> ''
                                               then case when sbis_status_code::integer in (7) then true else false end
                                           else false end                                                       as check_contractor,
                                       case when status_name is null then 'СБИС' else 'ДИАДОК' end              as sad,
                                       case when status_name is null then sbis_status_name else status_name end as status,
                                       case when sbis_status_name = 'Отправлен' then true else false end        as delivery,
                                FROM (SELECT "notes"."document_number",
                                             "notes"."id"                                                                   AS "document_id",
                                             "notes"."recipient_name"                                                       AS "department_name",
                                             "contractor"."pharmdata_id"                                                    AS "contractor_pharmdata_id",
                                             "contractor"."name_short"                                                      AS "contractor_name",
                                             "contractor"."inn"                                                             AS "contractor_inn",
                                             "contractor"."manager_proapteka"                                               AS "contractor_manager",
                                                 when (recipient_code ilike '777%') = true and length(recipient_code) > 7
                                                     then substr(recipient_code, 4, length(recipient_code))
                                                 else recipient_code
                                                 end                                                                        as recipient_code,
                                             "sbis_notes"."date_and_time"                                                   AS "sbis_status_date",
                                             "sbis_notes"."amount"::float4                                                  AS "sbis_sum",
                                                 when (EXTRACT(month FROM "notes"."document_date")) >= 4 and
                                                      (EXTRACT(month FROM "notes"."document_date") <= 10)
                                                     then notes.document_date +
                                                          CAST(affiliate_org.delivery_hours_summer || ' hours' AS Interval)
                                                 else notes.document_date +
                                                      CAST(affiliate_org.delivery_hours_winter || ' hours' AS Interval) end as date_season,
                                             "sbis_notes"."status" ->> 'Код'                                                AS "sbis_status_code",
                                                 when "sbis_notes"."commentary" = 'Акция, не подлежит оплате'
                                                     then "sbis_notes"."commentary"
                                                 else null end                                                              AS "commentary",
                                             case sbis_sign_notes.status
                                                 when 2 then 'Накладной в СБИС не существует'
                                                 when 1 then 'Подписано'
                                                 when 0 then 'Ошибка при подписании'
                                                 else 'Нет данных' end                                                      as sign_status,
                                             "sbis_notes"."status" ->> 'Название'                                           AS "sbis_status_name"
                                      FROM "delivery_notes"."notes"
                                               LEFT JOIN "delivery_notes"."sbis_sign_notes"
                                                         ON notes.id = sbis_sign_notes.note_id
                                               LEFT JOIN (select *
                                                          from (
                                                                   with canceled as (
                                                                       select document_number,
                                                                              max(id)               as id,
                                                                              max(date_and_time)    as date_and_time,
                                                                              max(document_sbis_id) as document_sbis_id,
                                                                              notes.date::date      as document_date,
                                                                       from (select date_part('year', date) as year_note, *
                                                                             from delivery_notes.sbis_notes) notes
                                                                       where status ->> 'Код' in ('20', '27', '22')
                                                                       group by notes.document_number, notes.date, year_note),
                                                                        correct as (
                                                                            select document_number,
                                                                                   max(id)               as id,
                                                                                   max(date_and_time)    as date_and_time,
                                                                                   max(document_sbis_id) as document_sbis_id,
                                                                                   notes.date::date      as document_date,
                                                                            from (select date_part('year', date) as year_note, *
                                                                                  from delivery_notes.sbis_notes) notes
                                                                            where status ->> 'Код' not in ('20', '27', '22')
                                                                            group by notes.document_number, notes.date, year_note)
                                                                   select case when correct.id is null then canceled.id else correct.id end as id,
                                                                              when correct.document_number is null
                                                                                  then canceled.document_number
                                                                              else correct.document_number end                              as document_number,
                                                                              when correct.document_date is null
                                                                                  then canceled.document_date
                                                                              else correct.document_date end                                as document_date,
                                                                              when correct.id is null
                                                                                  then canceled.date_and_time
                                                                              else correct.date_and_time end                                as date_and_time,
                                                                              when correct.document_sbis_id is null
                                                                                  then canceled.document_sbis_id
                                                                              else correct.document_sbis_id end                             as document_sbis_id
                                                                   from correct
                                                                            left join canceled on correct.document_number = canceled.document_number) t) sbis
                                                         on sbis.document_number = notes.document_number and
                                                            sbis.document_date = notes.document_date
                                               LEFT JOIN "delivery_notes"."sbis_notes" ON sbis_notes.id = sbis.id and
                                                                                          notes.document_date::date = sbis.document_date
                                               LEFT JOIN "nsi"."organizations" "org"
                                                         ON org.pharmdata_id = notes.recipient_code::integer
                                               LEFT JOIN "nsi"."organizations" "contractor" ON contractor.id = org.parent_id
                                               LEFT JOIN (select document_number, document_date, name as status_name
                                                          from delivery_notes.diadoc_notes
                                                                   left join nsi.diadoc_status on diadoc_notes.status_id = diadoc_status.id
                                                          order by document_date desc) as diadoc
                                                         ON diadoc.document_number = notes.document_number and
                                                            diadoc.document_date = notes.document_date
                                               LEFT JOIN "delivery_notes"."affiliate_org"
                                                         ON affiliate_org.affiliate_number::integer = org.protek_affiliate_id
                                               LEFT JOIN "public"."user_organization" "user_org"
                                                         ON user_org.organization_id = org.id
                                      WHERE ("user_org"."user_id" = 140)
                                        AND ("notes"."document_date" > '2019-01-01')) "t") "t"
                          ORDER BY "document_date" DESC) "sbis"
                    WHERE ("check_contractor" = FALSE)
                      AND (NOT ("sbis_status_name" IS NULL))
                    GROUP BY "contractor_name") "sbis" ON "sbis"."contractor_name" = t."company_name"
         LEFT JOIN (
    select nu1.id as id_file, nu1.deadline, nu1.company_id as company_id_file, nu1.system_filename
    from nsi.upload_files nu1
             join (select max(id) as id, company_id
                   from nsi.upload_files nu
                   group by company_id) nu_join on nu_join.id = nu1.id) as nu_join2
                   on t.company_id = nu_join2.company_id_file
         LEFT JOIN (
    select dbz_history.id           as history_dbz_id,
           dbz_join.organization_id as dbz_history_organization_id,
    from report.dbz_history dbz_history
             join (select max(id) as id, organization_id
                   from report.dbz_history
                   group by organization_id) dbz_join
                  on dbz_join.id = dbz_history.id) as dbz_history_table on t.company_id = dbz_history_organization_id

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