The Industrial Revolution and Economic History of the United States and Britain

※ 영어로 작성 (도입, 본문, 마무리, 참고문헌을 구분해서 작성하세요)

[도입 Introduction]

I chose the subject as the industrial revolution and economic history of the United States and Britain. This is because I suddenly wanted to learn about the economic history of the United States and Britain after seeing the British Industrial Revolution.

[본문 Body]

1. 소제목: Transition to a manufacturing-oriented society

The United States and the United Kingdom played a leading role in the early stages of the Industrial Revolution and achieved economic growth. The Industrial Revolution led to the transition to a manufacturing-oriented society due to mechanization and the introduction of new production technologies.

2. 소제목: Many problem

The United States and the United Kingdom have historically experienced several economic crises. Beginning with the Great Wall Street crash of 1929, the Great Depression had a significant impact on the United States and around the world. Another problem is that this early industrial revolution had many problems. The most problematic thing was the harsh working environment. As described above, while machines replaced the labor force, the population began to increase rapidly every year as the infant mortality rate gradually decreased at the time, and the labor supply increased rapidly as the population increased and urbanization accelerated. As a result, workers had to suffer from poor working conditions as an environment was created in which bourgeois could unilaterally and easily exploit workers.

3. 소제목: Overcome

This event, which sparked the craze for capitalism around the world, led to a class transition to the industrial capitalist and working class rather than nobles and commoners, landlords and peasants. With the advent of the factory, craftsmen lost their rice bowls and had no choice but to become factory workers so as not to starve to death. The urban concentration of the population and the rise of the working class sparked a struggle to expand the rights of the working class and a socialist movement, and communism was created, leading to changes in the political system.

[마무리 Closing]

Continuous inventions and technological innovations have led to the emergence of an industrial society that is completely different from the previous agricultural society and enabled sustainable economic growth. Productivity, which has developed more rapidly than any other era, has brought prosperity to mankind and provided the means and foundation for overcoming poverty.

[참고문헌 References] - 영어나 한글 모두 가능함

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