Dear Digital Trends, I have read your article and I completely disagree. We do spend most of our time on devices – both adults and teenagers. I do not see what is so bad about it. Kids should be allowed to use the internet.

 Judging by the statistics around 4.57 billion, people use the internet in the modern world.

In your article, it says “A concern that was initially about the physical risk… has now grown to include the potential mental impact. “ Mobile devices may cause anxiety and depression; however, I believe that if you found your group that has the same interests no harm can be done to you. Yes, indeed, people curse anonymously, but if you are a parent, please tell the kid to not take it seriously, because in real life, they would not say that to your face. My parents raised me and they had no control of my device at all. Judging by my experience I can say, the environment never affected me and I used the internet for research purposes from a young age. You say that mobile devices cause sleeping problems, however I believe that with the usage of YouTube, you can find meditation music, or anything else that helps you sleep.


With my respect, it is my belief to say that kids that accidentally see unwanted content learn what the real world is like. Additionally, you can add restrictions to google search; there is a google for kids, YouTube for kids and even  similar apps to Instagram for kids. App developers have done everything they could for you to imply the restrictions on internet and you are most likely to apply them if you want to. Children can become obsessed with the internet and that is good, because if they find the right way to use it they can become masters at whatever they like doing. Tanmay Bakshi is one of the teenagers that has become an expert in IT, he codes programs for companies around the whole world.


In conclusion, kids should be allowed to use the internet, if restrictions are needed then apply them, but if the kid sneaks his way into the internet, then teach your kids to use it properly and then it would not affect the kid’s mindset.



Vadim Keychanov.

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