The bar chart shows 3 different activities and their weekly participation in 2013 and 2015 years.

The number of people who cycle in a free time has raised from 9% to 11%. Almost everyone has a bicycle, you can use it to commute to your job, go shopping so cycling is considered as the most popular sport in the UK.

The most significant decrease is shown in snowboarding participation. In 2013, it was the most popular leisure among described activities, however the prevalence of snowboarding has fallen from 13% to only 8%. As we know, trainings require quite an expensive equipment as well as a possibility to travel abroad, mostly.

The noticeable increase can be seen in handball. The participation has grown to 12%, though it was only 6% in 2013. The  large-scale participation in this sport has provided an opportunity for creating local teams who take part in games and win games.

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