Coursework: Response to an article

You can’t enforce a ban on mobile phones in the classroom – we should teach kids to hate them instead by Van Badham

Dear, Mr Badham.

I recently read your article entitle, “ You can’t enforce a ban on mobile phones in the classroom – we should teach kids to hate them instead “, I am writing this letter to you in order to prove you absolutely wrong and that I – disagree with your opinion.    If they want to – let them do it.          


You believe that “Really, they should have smashed the machines, everyone”, this is not a reason for destroying someone’s property, are you aware of the basic human world law to not touch/destroy properties that are not yours?

 Unfortunately, you are in fact right that mobile phones distract students, but not as much in lessons. If the teacher is quite strict and there are students who desire to learn with their heart, they will study no matter what, no phone will disturb them from studying. I believe that it depends only on the student, whether he wants to learn or not, later on in life all of the students who did not study and missed the opportunity will realize that they were wrong, but at the time, if they do not desire to study, please do not force them to. You claim to be saying “Phones are poisonous crucibles for bullying, image – based abuse and a popular media for humiliation.” With my respect, it is my belief to judge you, and you are simply wrong. Social media has given the young generation what they wanted, using social media you can find new fantastic friends, social body positive organizations that help, of course there are some toxic parts in the community, but, on social media you can only say words that are nothing, but words, you are not able to hurt anyone physically and if the person using the internet has some basic information about it, they will know that all these anonymous users say nothing – but useless words that no one will listen to. Sadly, we can not prevent cyber bullying, but teenagers can go into their own world while using the social media, which can save someone from doing an awful decision in their life by just talking. You are completely wrong, Mr Badham.

I believe that judging by your article I can say you are around 30-60 years old, and clearly, phones do not work out for you. I can strongly state that phones will not be banned, as you say the opposite “Ours is a desperate hour “ I deeply apologize, but who are you to tell me that Google will have a permanent search history? This fact is a complete nonsense, because, no one is able to check your browser on Google, but you, it is 2020 already, you simply can clear the history of your browser. Who are you to look at my history search, you are invading people’s privacy by saying your nonsense, so please do not. While you are writing these articles, 4.57 billion people used the internet in April, that is most of the world’s population, so, simply you are one of them, because you have published this article on the internet, you do use a device and without it not much people would read your articles, sadly.

Lastly, if you hate what machines are doing to you, “Destroy the machines. I hate what they are doing to me. “Destroy each of your device and stop writing your articles to the internet, if you insist to only about the disadvantages of them and writing neither a balanced argument nor a complete nonsense. You are blind, if you do not see that everyone uses the advanced technology now, I can expand on that point and provide you evidence. Right now, in the world the virus “ Corona “ is destroying people’s life’s, education and the worlds economics, but in order to contact someone in real life right now, you would have to get out of the house, which is simply not possible because of the situation in the world, so you go and text your friends/colleges with your phone. I “ want “ the world to come to an outrageous ban of the mobile devices, so no one can contact their friends/ families/ colleges, is it not a fantastic decision?!

Ultimately, in the modern advanced world everyone should have at least a cell phone. Teenagers can teach themselves whatever they desire to, without having to buy books or hire a teacher. I as a great member of the generation, can say, that the internet and the social media has simply put quite large of useful information, because it is so simple to enter a line in YouTube “How to” and you get what you desired to find and learn new useful information. Without the internet, you and me would not have contributed, and you would not have received my criticism of your article. Take this article in to consideration; I am quite certain that you need to make changes in your life, Mr Badham.


Vadim Keychanov.

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