
### STEP 1: Define which pages get Instant View and which don't

# All pages on telegra.ph are articles, with one exception: the main page is blank and lets you create new articles.

# This *condition* tells our Instant View bot to apply rules to all pages except the root page, telegra.ph/

?path: /.+

### STEP 2: Define the essential elements

# Now we'll start filling up the IV page.

# To make things easier, we begin by setting up some *variables* before we start our manipulations.

$header: //header

body:  //article

# By default sequences of whitespaces are collapsed into a single whitespace by the browser. The IV bookworm bot does this too, but Telegra.ph preserves whitespaces in the entire article node.

# So we'll use the '@pre' *function* to instruct the IV bot to preserve whitespaces in all of these nodes.

@pre:  $body//*

# Now to fill the essential properties

title:     $body//h1

subtitle:   $body//h2

author:    $header//address/a[@rel="author"]

author_url:  $author/@href

published_date: $header//address/time/@datetime

@remove:    $body//address

# See if the author name is a URL of a Telegram channel. If it is, assign its username to the *channel* property. This will display the channel name prominently on the Instant View page and add neat 'Join' button for users that are not members of the channel yet.

@clone: $author_url

@match("^https?://t(elegram)?\\.me/([a-z0-9_]+)$", 2, "i"): $@

@replace(".+", "@$0")


cover: $body//h1/next-sibling::figure[.//video]

cover: $body//h1/next-sibling::figure[.//img]

image_url: $cover/self::img/@src

image_url: $cover/self::figure//img/@src

image_url: /html/head/meta[@property="og:image"] \


image_url: $body//img/@src

# IV supports anchors. 

# We can add them before each of h3/h4 headers

@before(<anchor>, name, @id): $body//h3[@id]

@before(<anchor>, name, @id): $body//h4[@id]

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