using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.IO;

namespace _LB5


  class MainClass


    static List<Public_transport> public_transport = new List<Public_transport>();

    static bool issetSession = true;

    static List<Log> logs = new List<Log>();

    enum Command


      ShowTable = 1,









    struct Log


      public DateTime time;

      public string action;

      public string desc;

      public Log(string a, string d)


        time = DateTime.Now;

        action = a;

        desc = d;


      public void ShowTable()


        Console.WriteLine($"{time:T} - {action} \"{desc}\"");



    static void ViewLog(List<Public_transport> public_transport)


      var maxTimeout = TimeSpan.Zero;

      for (int i = 0; i < logs.Count - 1; maxTimeout = (TimeSpan.Compare(maxTimeout, logs[i + 1].time.Subtract(logs[i].time)) == -1) ? logs[i + 1].time.Subtract(logs[i].time) : maxTimeout, i++)

        if (logs.Count != 0)


          byte counter = 0;

          foreach (var l in logs)


            if (counter > 50) break;




          Console.WriteLine("\n{0} – Самый долгий период бездействия пользователя", maxTimeout.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"));



          Console.WriteLine("Вы не ввели данные!");



    struct Public_transport


      public string Type_of_transport;

      public int Route_number;

      public int The_length_of_the_route;

      public int Time_on_the_road;

      public Public_transport(string Type_of_transport, int Route_number, int The_length_of_the_route, int Time_on_the_road)


        this.Type_of_transport = Type_of_transport;

        this.Route_number = Route_number;

        this.The_length_of_the_route = The_length_of_the_route;

        this.Time_on_the_road = Time_on_the_road;


      public void ShowTable()


        Console.WriteLine($"\n {Type_of_transport,-27} {Route_number,-27} {The_length_of_the_route,-35} {Time_on_the_road,-27} ");



    static void ShowTable(List<Public_transport> public_transport)


      const string transport = "ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЙ ТРАНСПОРТ";

      const string type_of_transport = "Вид транспорта";

      const string route_number = "№ маршрута";

      const string the_length_of_the_route = "Протяженность маршрута (км)";

      const string time_on_the_road = "Время в дороге (мин)";

      const string type = "Перечисляемый тип: Тр - трамвай, Тс - троллейбус, А - автобус";

      Console.WriteLine(" {0,-96} \n\n" + "\n" + " {1,-27} {2,-27} {3,-35} {4,-27} ", transport, type_of_transport, route_number, the_length_of_the_route, time_on_the_road);

      if (public_transport.Count != 0)

        foreach (var g in public_transport)







        Console.WriteLine("\n {0, -96} ", "Вы не ввели данные! ");

      Console.WriteLine("\n" + " {0,-96} \n" + "", type);



    static void Add(List<Public_transport> public_transport)


      Console.Write("Вид транспорта: ");

      string Type_of_transport = Console.ReadLine();

      Console.Write("№ маршрута: ");

      int Route_number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

      Console.Write("Протяженность маршрута (км): ");

      int The_length_of_the_route = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

      Console.Write("Время в дороге (мин): ");

      int Time_on_the_road = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

      addLog("Добавлен общественный транспорт ", Type_of_transport);

      public_transport.Add(new Public_transport(Type_of_transport, Route_number, The_length_of_the_route, Time_on_the_road));


    static void addLog(string action, string description)


      logs.Add(new Log(action, description));


    static void add(string Type_of_transport, int Route_number, int The_length_of_the_route, int Time_on_the_road)


      addLog("Добавлен транспорт ", Type_of_transport);

      public_transport.Add(new Public_transport(Type_of_transport, Route_number, The_length_of_the_route, Time_on_the_road));


    static void Delete(List<Public_transport> public_transport)


      Console.Write("Номер записи для удаления: ");

      if (public_transport.Count > 0)


        byte c = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        if (c > public_transport.Count)


          Console.Write("Такого номера не существует! ");




          addLog("Общественный транспорт удален! ", public_transport[c - 1].Type_of_transport);

          public_transport.Remove(public_transport[c - 1]);




    static void Update(List<Public_transport> public_transport)


      if (public_transport.Count > 0)


        Console.Write("Номер записи для обновления: ");

        byte c = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        Console.Write("Вид транспорта: ");

        string Type_of_transport = Console.ReadLine();

        Console.Write("№ маршрута: ");

        int Route_number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        Console.Write("Протяженность маршрута (км): ");

        int The_length_of_the_route = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        Console.Write("Время в дороге (мин): ");

        int Time_on_the_road = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        addLog("Общественный транспорт заменен! ", public_transport[c - 1].Type_of_transport);

        public_transport.Remove(public_transport[c - 1]);

        public_transport.Insert(c - 1, new Public_transport(Type_of_transport, Route_number, The_length_of_the_route, Time_on_the_road));




    static void Sort(List<Public_transport> public_transport)




        for (int i = 1; i < public_transport.Count; i++)


          var cur = public_transport[i];

          int j = i;

          while (j > 0 && cur.Route_number < public_transport[j - 1].Route_number)


            public_transport[j] = public_transport[j - 1];



          public_transport[j] = cur;




    //public_transport[c - 1].Type_of_transport

    ////public void InsertionSort(int[] array)

    //     //{

    //for (int i = 1; i < public_transport.Route_number; i++)

    //      {

    //int cur = public_transport[i];

    //        int j = i;

    //while (j > 0 && cur < public_transport[j - 1])

    //        {

    //  public_transport[j] = public_transport[j - 1];

    //          j--;

    //        }

    //public_transport[j] = cur;

    //if (public_transport.Count > 0)


    //Console.Write("Номер записи для обновления: ");

    //byte c = byte.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

    //Console.Write("Вид транспорта: ");

    //string Type_of_transport = Console.ReadLine();

    //Console.Write("№ маршрута: ");

    //int Route_number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

    //Console.Write("Протяженность маршрута (км): ");

    //int The_length_of_the_route = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

    //Console.Write("Время в дороге (мин): ");

    //int Time_on_the_road = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

    //addLog("Общественный транспорт заменен! ", public_transport[c - 1].Type_of_transport);

    //public_transport.Remove(public_transport[c - 1]);

    //public_transport.Insert(c - 1, new Public_transport(Type_of_transport, Route_number, The_length_of_the_route, Time_on_the_road));

    //  }


    //static void Search(List<Public_transport> public_transport)


    //  for (int i = 0; i < public_transport.Count; i++)

    //  {

    //    var min = i;

    //    for (int j = i; j < public_transport.Count; min = public_transport[min].The_length_of_the_route > public_transport[j].The_length_of_the_route ? j : min, j++) ;

    //    var tmp = public_transport[i];

    //    public_transport[i] = public_transport[min];

    //    public_transport[min] = tmp;

    //  }


    static void Search(List<Public_transport> public_transport)


      const string transport = "ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЙ ТРАНСПОРТ";

      const string type_of_transport = "Вид транспорта";

      const string route_number = "№ маршрута";

      const string the_length_of_the_route = "Протяженность маршрута (км)";

      const string time_on_the_road = "Время в дороге (мин)";

      const string type = "Перечисляемый тип: Тр - трамвай, Тс - троллейбус, А - автобус";

      Console.WriteLine(" {0,-96} \n\n" + "\n" + " {1,-27} {2,-27} {3,-35} {4,-27} ", transport, type_of_transport, route_number, the_length_of_the_route, time_on_the_road);

      if (public_transport.Count != 0)


        foreach (var g in public_transport)

          if (g.The_length_of_the_route > 1)




        Console.WriteLine("\n {0, -96} ", "Вы не ввели данные! ");

      Console.WriteLine("\n" + " {0,-96} \n" + "", type);



    static void Exit(out bool issetSession)


      issetSession = false;


    static void ReadData()


      string path = @"lab.dat";

      using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)))


        while (reader.PeekChar() > -1)


          string Type_of_transport = reader.ReadString();

          int Route_number = reader.ReadInt32();

          int The_length_of_the_route = reader.ReadInt32();

          int Time_on_the_road = reader.ReadInt32();

          add(Type_of_transport, Route_number, The_length_of_the_route, Time_on_the_road);




    static void WriteData()


      string path = @"lab.dat";

      using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)))


        foreach (Public_transport g in public_transport)









    static void Main(string[] args)



      while (issetSession)



        Console.WriteLine("1 – Просмотр таблицы");

        Console.WriteLine("2 – Добавить запись");

        Console.WriteLine("3 – Удалить запись");

        Console.WriteLine("4 – Обновить запись");

        Console.WriteLine("5 – Поиск записей");

        Console.WriteLine("6 – Просмотреть лог");

        Console.WriteLine("7 - Выход");

        Console.WriteLine("\n8 - Сортировка вставкой!");

        Console.Write("\n\nВведите номер команды: ");

        int Number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());


        switch (Number)


          case (byte)Command.ShowTable:



          case (byte)Command.Add:



          case (byte)Command.Delete:



          case (byte)Command.Update:



          case (byte)Command.Search:



          case (byte)Command.ViewLog:



          case (byte)Command.Exit:

            Exit(out issetSession);


          case (byte)Command.Sort:








        //1 – Просмотр таблицы

        //2 – Добавить запись

        //3 – Удалить запись

        //4 – Обновить запись

        //5 – Поиск записей

        //6 – Просмотреть лог

        //7 - Выход

        // 1 - Viewing a table

        // 2 - Add record

        // 3 - Delete the record

        // 4 - Update Record

        // 5 - Search for records

        // 6 - View the log

        // 7 - Exit






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