

Many tools help us perform research on the front-end of SEO engagements.

The sometimes wide variation in data provided in different keyword research tools alone should give us an indication that we should tread lightly here.

Our interpretation of this data and use of the various tools is often what we use for setting goals with stakeholders or clients.

None of them can tell us what our real goals should be for positioning, impressions, traffic, and conversions. We have to do our best to determine these based on tools and industry data available and live with that.

Unfortunately, they don��t all know that these are not literal numbers and are based on sampling, estimation, rounding, and historical data.

The Google Keyword Planner is a paid search tool and all other keyword research tools are relying on third-party data or also on the Keyword Planner��s paid search data.

Whether it is keyword research, competitor research, or auditing tools to understand the current standing of technical issues on a website, we��re relying on technology early on.

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