Alexander 🐧

Dear Sophie Angew,

I am writing a reply for your letter of complaint for Cygnet Theatre. I was extremely concerned for the absence of musicals on the 28th January because we are getting more and more letters of complaint because of that. Unfortunately, musicals were absent due to car accident they got in. Actually, no one of theatre staff wasn`t aware of that problem so we couldn`t answer you the right reason for absence.

I hope you will accept my sincerest apologies for this occasion and I feel very sorry for you and your friends for spending so much time and money on the way to the theatre and I would like to assure you that our direction won`t let such situation repeat.

As a token of our goodwill, we would like to refund money for the tickets and compensate the moral damage that was caused by the theatre. We hope that this problem won`t happen again and feel free to contact our direction for refund.

Best wishes,

Helena Green

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