

by fayi ✿

happy our first month being together mirzuy! i’m glad to know that i have you in my life and i couldn’t have asked for anyone better, you’re enough. teeeeeerima kaaaasih banyak buat sebulan ini yang udah kamu lakuin buat aku, i appreciate all of them sooo much :] if i could pay them, i would (tp aku gak punya uang). you mean the world to me and your existence matters a loooooot. ur the reason why i wake up in overwhelming excitement, eat properly, consistently study, never stop laughing, understand all the weird jokes u made. and i dont wanna lose you, never. you make me the happiest person in the whole galaxy <3 i love u with my heart and soul. i would, without any doubt, sell my soul just to make sure you’re all fine.

i’m glad that god put you into my life 💟 i hope u never decide to leave cuz i don’t know what i’d do without you


sincerely, fay

to: my comfiest home, mirza

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