


i'm happy because i can know you and feel happy because i love you. there's a reason why i love you so much and i'll reveal 101 reasons why i love you, dear. please read and absorb it well because this is a sincere expression from my heart. 💞

1. i love you because of how kind you are to them and your very social spirit.

2. i love you because you make me smile.

3. i love you because you give me a strong and warm feeling in my chest.

4. i love you because i feel you always take care of me and protect me.

5. i love you because of the extraordinary bond that we share.

6. i love you because you inspire me.

7. i love you because you care more about yourself now.

8. i love you because i became a much better person today.

9. i love you because our relationship is the most important thing in my life.

10. i love you because you accompany me to keep following my dreams.

11. i love you because you always stand by my side when no one else does.

12. i love you because of the beautiful way you look at me.

13. i love you because you always pay attention to the little things in my life.

14. i love you because you value me.

15. i love you because you always pay attention to the little things in my life.

16. love you because you showed me love is real.

17. i love you because you made me trust humans again.

18. i love you because you see that I am a diamond when everyone sees a lump of coal.

19. i love you because you stay away from negativity.

20. i love you because of how beautiful your smile is.

21. i love you because of how you put in the smallest effort for me.

22. i love you for your surprise.

23. i love you because of the sweet good morning messages you always say to me.

24. i love you for your always kind thoughts about me.

25. i love you for the way you ask me and wake me up.

26. i love you for the way you care about my health.

27. i love you for the way you treat my family with love.

28. i love you because you never make me feel like i'm alone.

29. why i love you because we are a team.

30. i love you because you never make me compete with you.

31. i love you because you know how to make me happy.

32. i love you because i feel satisfied with you.

33. i love you because of how you make my life so beautiful.

34. i love you for the way you take care of your family.

35. i love you because you are my best friend.

36. i love you because you are my partner in life.

37. i love you because you never let go of my hand.

38. i love you because you and i are always understanding.

39. ilove you because i feel i am the best for you.

40. i love you because you made the journey a pleasure for me.

41. i love you for the way you always pay attention to my work.

42. i love you for the way you always listen to my problems with openness and love.

43. i love you because you called me as soon as you left.

44. i love you because you complete me in every way.

45. i love you because you are better than me.

46. i love you because you know how to brighten up my dark days.

47. i love you because you always help me when I fall.

48. i love you because your touch makes me feel what love is.

49. i love you for holding your hand when i'm weak.

50. i love you because we have the same goal.

51. i love you because you don't care what my past is.

52. i love you because you appreciate my presence.

53. i love you because you continue to guide me to be better.

54. i love you because you have taught me to never give up.

55. i love you because you got mad at me when i pretended to forget the date of the most important celebration in my life.

56. i love you when you look at me with so much affection in those beautiful eyes.

57. i love you for the way you give me so much respect.

58. i love you for the way you talk to my friends.

59. i love you because your opinion is better wise.

60. i love you because you don't like sleeping and being angry.

61. i love you because you have made my life vibrant.

62. i love you because of how amazing you are for letting me know about myself.

63. i love you every time you lightly touch my shoulder and cheer me up.

64. i love you when you order my favorite food before i go to the restaurant.

65. i love you when you complete my flaws.

66. i love you when you know it's time to leave unimportant things for the people you love.

67. i love you when you come out the way you are and be yourself.

68. i love you when we meet face to face under the rain.

69. i love you when you cheer me on, “it'll be alright.”

70. i love you for the way you treat me when i panic.

71. i love you for the way you calm me down.

72. i love you because i feel not alone in this world.

73. i love you for the way you take care of my mental health.

74. i love you because you are seriously committed to me.

75. i love you because you are the only person who can keep me quiet for hours.

76. i love you because you are the light of my life.

77. i love you because you are creative.

78. i love you for the way you pay attention when i explain something important.

79. i love you because you made me a real human.

80. i love you for the way you hug me.

81. i love you because you are my happiness.

82. i love you less than god and universe.

83. i love you because you are a kind and fantastic human being.

84. i love you for your beautiful soul.

85. i love you because of how you have changed the way i view life and its hardships.

86. i love you because you make me so much stronger.

87. i love you because you will never give in to my stubbornness.

88. i love you because you don't compare me to other people.

89. i love you because you raised me.

90. i love you because you are always ready to comfort me, even though i'm crying inside. and you made it.

91. i love you because of how much you love animals; it tells me you have an amazing heart.

92. i love you because you dare to express your feelings.

93. i love you because i can talk to you about anything.

94. i love you because i can be so weird around you.

95. i love you because you don't judge me.

96. i love you because i feel right at home with you.

97. i love you because i can't imagine having a happy future without you in it.

98. i love you because you are the best friend in the world.

99. i love you because you do justice.

100. i love you because you have rekindled the fire of love in my soul.

101. i love you because i have a hundred reasons to love you.

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