

You all know that ten thousand hours is not a brief time? For ten thousand hours he has been aiming to learn further about her. Like, what’s her dearest melody? What is her dreaming in th’ midnight? All the things about her are loved, is the most costly evidence to him. It wouldn't be jotted down on that ten thousand hours for her if that's what it assumes to comprehend that suitor of her. He always take a notice her gestures to take the next step in knowing everything about her. Too sweet. He is a man who want to knows everything about the most gorgeous woman in this world. She may be surprised by this, it's because He’s too deep in love with that pretty soul. He said , “ I only want two things. The first one is endlessly love. The second one is spend my remain times with my favourite bless soul, you”. He needs to holding on hers and falling in love. Gripping each other hands like grips all over the world, and will never let them go. Let's devour some moments jointly inferring what you are like. That's must be healing for my tchotchke.

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