10 Movies Sex Scene

10 Movies Sex Scene


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American Pie. Eyes Wide Shut. Basic Instinct. These films have one thing in common: instantly iconic sex scenes. Actually, they have one more thing in common: said sex scenes almost didn't make the final cut thanks to the MPAA having no chill whatsoever when it comes to people doing the deed with baked goods and/or participating in orgies. On that note, here are 11 famous sex scenes that almost got left on the cutting room floor.
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You know the orgy scene in Eyes Wide Shut? Well, it was a whole thing. Turns out the original group sex extravaganza was very risqué, and in order for it to stay in the movie, Warner Brothers digitally added extras whose sole purpose was to block out graphic content. If your mission in life is to see the orgy in all its un-edited glory, the DVD was released back in 2007 and has you covered. Bless up.
Speaking of orgies, American Psycho features group sex between Patrick Bateman and two prostitutes—which was so graphic that censors threatened not to give the movie an R rating if it stayed in. The scene ended up in the movie, but only after some careful editing (18 seconds of sex ended up being chopped for the final version).
It's a truth universally acknowledged that one of the most iconic scenes in cinematic history involves Jason Biggs having sex with an apple pie in the aptly named American Pie—and censors were not having it. While the MPAA ultimately allowed the scene to stay in, they asked for it to contain less, um, thrusting.
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Chloë Sevigny's orgasm in Boys Don't Cry—courtesy of Hilary Swank—almost didn't make the cut because apparently the MPAA thought it went on for too long. (God forbid a woman enjoy sex for more than two seconds!) "I was like, 'Who’s ever been hurt by an orgasm that was too long?" said director Kimberly Pierce during the documentary This Film Is Not Yet Rated. "I looked at Lana’s orgasm and I was like, 'Oh, this is totally about Lana’s pleasure, so there’s something about that that’s scaring them, that’s unnerving them.'"
In case you missed it, Robert Downey Jr. and Heather Graham participated in an oral sex scene that was almost cut from Two Girls and a Guy. And speaking of cuts, the MPAA required a whopping 10 edits before finally letting the scene live in peace. "I don't think you'd be able to know the difference," director James Toback said. "The length of the shots has been trimmed, but not a single shot was taken out."
Anyone who's seen Sharon Stone's Basic Instinct sex scene is probably still lifting their jaw off the ground—it's that intense. So intense, in fact, that the MPAA simply could not even (you're probably sensing a theme here), and threatened not to fork over that coveted R rating. Director Paul Verhoeven ended up keeping the scene in after some light edits, saying, "Actually, I didn't have to cut many things. But I replaced things from different angles, made it a little more elliptical, a bit less direct." Naturally, the director's cut was released on DVD and features the sex scene in its original glory.
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Okay, fine, it might not be entirely accurate to say Requiem for a Dream's sex scene was almost cut for being too sexy, but it was almost cut for being too...intense. Which, if you've seen this movie, isn't a surprise. The film ended up being released without a rating thanks in part to the drama surrounding the sex scene, and director Darren Aronofsky (otherwise known as Jennifer Lawrence's ex-boyfriend) had this to say: "The MPAA has a place in the world, but definitely has to be re-thought. It is being run by people who really don’t know what the pulse is and where people’s minds are right now."
In hilarious news, Top Gun's original cut didn't contain any sex scenes, and test audiences were so horrified by this fact that an intimate scene between Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis had to be filmed during reshoots. Give the people what they want! (Also, hilariously McGillis had already dyed her hair for another role, which is why the scene was shot in silhouette.)
Blue Valentine features an oral sex scene between Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams, which is extremely graphic and also extremely vital to the film's realistic portrayal of a relationship. (Side note: how often do we see depictions of men performing oral sex on women during movies? Not as often as we should thanks to sexism.) The production company fought to keep the scene in, and Ryan Gosling's thoughts on the matter were as follows: "There's plenty of oral sex scenes in a lot of movies, where it's a man receiving it from a woman—and they're R-rated. Ours is reversed and somehow it's perceived as pornographic. Black Swan has an oral scene between two women and that's an R rating, but ours is between a husband and his wife and that's NC-17?"
Not so shockingly, censors had some issues with the explicit sex scenes in Zack and Miri Make a Porno—about two friends who, in case you hadn't guessed, make porn together. Instead of cutting the controversial scenes from the movie, director Kevin Smith appealed the rating by arguing that the sex was all in the name of LOLs—and he won his case. "It's really crazy to me that Hostel is fine, with people gouging their eyes out and shit like that," actor Seth Rogan said. "But you can't show two people having sex—that's too much."
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Are these famous sex scenes real or fake? You be the judge.
It should come as no surprise that steamy sex scenes are a given in most (if not, all?) R-rated movies. But if an actor reveals a body part other than the standard butt or nipple—or if, heaven forbid, there's a shot that features a stray penis or pubic hair—all hell breaks loose, at least, in the eyes of the Motion Picture Association.
That said, some intrepid Hollywood filmmakers have tried to capture real sex on camera before, and a handful of brave actors have copped to having legit PIV sex on screen. As a porn star and director, I feel uniquely qualified to weigh in on the verisimilitude of my favorite Hollywood sex scenes, so here are my favorite sex scenes that are rumored to be un-simulated (and the ones that 1000% totally were).
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In this indie Canadian flick, two young people have sex. Again and again and again. In fact, there's so little plot because the movie is just one long sex scene. And the scenes are, in fact, very much real. "The actors trusted me implicitly," director Clement Virgo said at the time. "We never had the conversation, 'You're going to have sex.' But it couldn't be fake touching. It had to be truthful. If I believed what they were doing, I'd keep shooting. If I didn't, I'd stop shooting. But it was too embarrassing to say, 'Give a blow job.'"
Directed by Lars von Trier and starring Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg, the controversial Antichrist tells the story of a couple grieving over the loss of their toddler. The film opens with an explicit sex scene and it features a few close-up shots of penetrative sex (which featured body doubles and not the original actors). The plot is incredibly disturbing, so it's probably for the best that the sex isn't exactly real, but Gainsbourg's acting is incredible—you truly feel her grief and insanity.
This European sexploitation classic features hardcore penetration and in-your-face fellatio, which was performed by the actors/actresses in this movie and not by body doubles. The plot is kind of difficult to follow, but here's what I could gather: the main character's rich brother is dead and there's some sort of evil nun, all of which leads to lots of blowjobs. I'll allow it.
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Helmed by French director Gaspar Noé, this movie was initially released in 3D, so one can only imagine how awkward (or awesome) that theatergoing experience was. In any case, there is so much explicit sex in this movie. There’s everything from romantic sex to drug-fueled sex to, of course, a giant orgy—and according to its cast, it was all totally unsimulated.
I don’t know how Noé found such a horny cast, but then again, it’s a French movie. And if there is anything I have learned from the research I have done for this story, it’s that everyone in French movies has a lot of sex, to the point where I'm not sure how anyone has time to do anything else. Why do I live here again?
A quirky and clever movie that follows Sofia (Sook-Yin Lee) as she embarks on a quest to have her first orgasm, Shortbus feels sort of like the NSFW prequel to Girls. Director John Cameron Mitchell once said that he had his actors have unsimulated sex because he wanted to “employ sex in new cinematic ways, because it's too interesting to leave to porn." Which is sort of rude to porn, but no matter — the sex is well-shot, and it looks like the actors are having a ton of fun.
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This romantic film documents a 12-month rendezvous with a couple (Kieran O'Brien and Margo Stilley) that loves sex and rock and roll. They watch live music, they go on mini-vacations, and they bone. They are definitely #blessed, and you're just so happy for them the entire time that you can’t stop smiling. Plus, there's a beautiful, sun-lit cunnilingus scene involving a blindfold.
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There’s a lot of hot sex in this movie. Carré Otis, who plays an inhibited lawyer, has a bunch of incredibly hot scenes with then-boyfriend Mickey Rourke. In fact, director Zalman King had to remove a scene in the theatrical release to ensure it had an R rather than an X rating, which was rumored to be an unsimulated sex scene. Otis has denied the rumors, but if you watch the scene (which lives on today on tube sites), there's some very genuine chemistry there.
One of the most infamous movies of all time, The Brown Bunny features an unsimulated oral sex scene between Chloe Sevigny and star/director Vincent Gallo. The movie got terrible reviews across the board, and the quality of the sex scene is no exception. It's grainy and awkward, with poor camera angles, and Gallo spends the entire time holding onto his shaft, out of either embarrassment of the size or the fact that he wasn't fully erect. Now that I'm a porn director and I've seen probably 17,000 on-camera blowjobs, this pales in comparison.
Like Antichrist, Don't Look Now is about a couple (Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie) grieving the death of their child. While that doesn't sound like the sexiest plot in the world, the movie sensitively depicts how death affects a relationship—and in this case, it leads to very intense sex. For many years, it was rumored by people on set that Christie and Sutherland had unsimulated sex. Sutherland has denied it, but either way, this is some really serious softcore Skinemax action.
Screengrab via Zentropa Entertainments
Directed by Lars von Trier (hey, the man likes shooting insane sex scenes), Nymphomaniac obviously features tons and tons of sex. But honestly, it's less sexy than a depressing glimpse into the life of a sex addict: one minute, you might want to go out and sleep with the next stranger you meet, and the next you might want to take a long, hot shower. Von Trier has stated that the film uses porn performers as body doubles for the actors, and that prosthetic vaginas were used in the sex scenes as well. But the double-penetration scene with Charlotte Gainsbourg and two African brothers named Papou and Kookie looks about as real as a DP gets.
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