

7+2+1 = 10.


1. i love the behavior you make me feel preferable when times are tough, your open-heartedness to attempt new things and tell me. and you’re there when i urge you. i love that you’re hazardous.

2. i love that you possess a sleep addiction scarcely like me, but it’s moreover addicted to you more than anything, your usage of words. you’re a generous person and know me so well. i love the extraordinary moments we share. i love you all the time. 

3. i love it when you look for me and miss me every day. i loved you the fundamental day you said that you loved me, and since that day ‘till nowadays i have continued to love you. the path you cheer me up when you find me with a frown and always raise my spirits when life has got me pessimistic. i love you for your persistence, your responsibility and most of all. 

4. i love you for the sense that you love me. your taste of humor. i love the way you make me laugh, and all the stories about you. tour melancholy, your prosperity, all yours that i love. i love you because you’re absolutely cute, super duper cute and i can’t kiosk it! 

5. i love you because you’re adorable, how adorable you are.. i know you have the brightest cutest smile. i love how you possess the dwarf things that I’ve done for you. you estimate me and remember me in everything. you’re wholesome and smart, absolutely astounding, and adorable. 

6. i like the way you see me, the way you perceive me and the way you trust me. the way you make me happy. It makes me happier than ever. you’re my only reason to stay and still trying. 

7. i love your laughter. i love the circumstance that your laugh and that adorable sweet smile are mine. your abundant essence towards the people around you, precisely towards me, i love that you tell me how you feel. it makes me feel that i am home to you. 

8. i love the way you consistently care and worry about me. when you make me feel like i’m a better person and always make me smile. i love the way you reward attention to my activities and remind me of the importance of my conceded health. 

9. i love that you’ll eternally be my shoulder to lean on. i love it when you always give me comfort hugs and kisses, i've always felt so good every time you've been with me.

10. i love you because you’re my preferred hello and my hardest goodbye, your compassion for others, especially for me, and continue to present me first. i love the way you look at me, including your point of view of me. i love all the significant memories we have made together, so please don’t forget me and all the things we did.

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